Sunday, September 30, 2007


Our two adopted college students came over Thursday for supper. It was great to catch up with what is going on in their lives and we really enjoy having young people in our home. As usual there was drama in Gracie's life. You will remember that Gracie is an international student from Kenya. She has a little different outlook on things, not being from the states, but she is slowly becoming Americanized. Currently she is having roommate problems. I heard plenty of stories just like hers when Camille was in college. It is not easy to live in a house or apartment full of girls. One of her "friends" is eating Gracie's food and will not fess up to it. She is really frustrated about this since she knows who the culprit is, but the culprit will not confess. I suggested she make some brownies and put a little ex-lax in them. I told her the one in the bathroom would be the guilty dog. She & Meriedth both cracked up with my suggestion. I thought it made perfect sense if you want to get to the bottom (no pun intended) of this.

Meriedth is Miss Responsibility. I never really realized how mature she was until she brought her suite mate over one day last week. The friend is a sweet girl, but still a girl. Meriedth on the other hand is the sole of responsibility. She has just broken up with a boy that she had begun seeing this summer. When she first came back to school, she told me she had been seeing someone and her mother did not care for him. I immediately told her to listen to her mother, that mothers have an intuition about these things. She said when she told her mother they were not seeing each other anymore, she said- "PRAISE GOD!" Mothers just know about these things.

We walked 5 this afternoon in the REALLY hot sun. We were thankful when God provided a cloud for the last half of the trek. I am icing, soaking, warming & stretching my hip-just as directed by Jeff. We will see how it reacts.

Camille called distressed because she has an injury. She changed her shoes. NEVER NEVER NEVER change type of shoes in the middle of training for anything. When you find a brand and style that work-keep getting them. I have been wearing the same type and brand for about 3 years now. IF IT AIN'T BROKE-DON'T TRY TO FIX IT! I gave her the same advice I have taken- REST- ICE- ANTI-INFLAMMATORY-STRETCHING. Hopefully this will be a short lived thing. I actually missed an entire week of training while down with the flu, but came back hacking and finished the training and the marathon. That which we can't fix-we must endure.

It has been a glorious Sabbath. Our college pastor brought our message this AM. He is really developing into a great teacher. It is so wonderful to see God mature a young man into His leader.

Another week gone in marathon training. Now let's see that means we are 2/9ths of the way through. What a odd number!

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