Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Reflections of Sorrow

As I am sure everyone is aware, today marks the sixth anniversary of the invasion of America. Perhaps in your eyes it was not an invasion, but it certainly, at a minimum, was a terrorist attack. While reflecting upon this day and where I was six years ago, I am overcome with sadness for my children and grandchildren. I was reared during a relatively peaceful time in America. There was Viet Nam, but that was not on our shores. While I certainly knew many of my peers that served in the armed forces during that time, I had no one in my family directly involved. For the most part, even with the Cold War, I felt safe and secure and enjoyed those years. While there certainly were traumatic events occurring in my personal life, there was no feeling of danger in the world surrounding me. I feel that my children and grandchildren do not have that sense of peace and security that I was blessed with. This makes me very sad for them, but confident that God is in charge and will watch over them. I do not watch the news all day long, as I did during those days, in 2001. It seems too depressing and too dire. I make an effort to stay upbeat with the positive and not expose myself to the negative on an on-going and never ending basis. My heart is saddened today when I think of so many that lost loved ones, but I am holding on to the truth that God is ever faithful and will sustain us all. I know He has a plan for us and He will be ever present-even in times of trouble.
I was awake long before the alarm went off this morning, listening to the rain. What a wonderful sound. I finally got up to look at the weather channel. When I saw that the rain was passing through, I decided to not slosh through the water and have wet shoes & socks. I began my walk after seven, but you can't fool Mother Nature. She must have known my plan, for about 2 + miles into the walk, it began raining. The further I walked the harder it rained. Needless to say, I was soaked anyway. On a positive note, the rain makes the effort so much easier. It is cooler and the wetness helps to keep you cool. I did not really begin a full out sweat until I got into my car. I did not make it to the weight room-temporary loss of my ID. I will have to make that up tomorrow, after the 6 mile run and then a walk with Mrs. Sandra. Sounds like a HARD day! Oh well, I will think about that tomorrow. My friend, Mona is running her mid-week runs on a treadmill. JUST SHOOT ME-if I have to go there. She has my admiration for enduring that torture!

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

I thought about you tonight as I was walking out of Starbucks. It's amazing least for LA this time of year. I could actually breathe and I caught a glimpse of cool weather on the way!