I had two phone conversations with son #1 & son #2 today. Son # 2 is moving to Austin to be where Son # 1 and his family live (loves those nephews). #1 calls me today to tell me that when he drove into Baton Rouge this week to help #2 move this weekend, there was only 4 boxes of books packed and everything else was in a mess. He was not very happy with # 2 and reported to me of the lack of push by #2 to get this job done. He told me he had called # 2 everyday for the 2 prior weeks and told him to have EVERYTHING packed up when he came in and they could just load it up. Well as you can imagine-HE WAS NOT HAPPY with Little Brother.
I then called # 2 to ask, "Do I need to come down there and pack you up." The same question I asked two weeks ago. He proceeded to tell me that # 1 showed up at his apartment Wednesday to spend the night and got up the next morning yelling at him and telling him he was going to call Mom since he had not done anything to get ready. I once again asked, "Do I need to come." He then told me that he was packed and ready and would be cleaning the apartment tonight and pulling out tomorrow.
Somewhere more in the middle are the facts, but # 2 has a REAL TENDANCY to procrastinate. When I was helping my mother move after my step father died, I went over to find her listening to records. I asked, "Momma what are you doing, you are supposed to be packing." She then told me that she was listening to each record to decide whether to keep it or not. Sounds like # 2 may have inherited his Mammaw's habits. I am not sure if he read all of those books prior to packing to make a decision, but I suspect he at least read the forwards.
Shades of growing up days! I will have to say that "Little Sister" received plenty of help packing and unpacking from Mom. What is with the I am going to call Mom Deal-I must be the "Big Bad Wolf". BC is never a treat-it's always I am going to tell Mom.
Today was Friday. As I have said in the past- I LOVE FRIDAYS. The old body gets a rest day before long run day tomorrow. Dread this humidity already! I spent half the day hydrating and the other half in the bathroom.
haha Gabe is so crazy!!!
Ah, family! The easiest to fight with and generally the easiest to forgive.
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