Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Now this morning was a LOT OF FUN! Babs had a doctor's appointment, so I am on my own with "The Wolf Pack". The first part of the run was not TOO bad-I actually kept up the first half. Then things start to get out of hand. To begin with these people do not stop and drink water. My personal philosphy is if there is a hydrant handy-YOU STOP! Oh No-they must be camels! By the time I finished I still had a couple within sight, but Sandra and Larry were LONG GONE. After that 5 miler, we walked another 3.5. I am trying to get the legs to be able to walk fast, if I have to at the end of the marathon. I have been coming up with the additional miles to add to our route as we begin to inch our way up to that magical 22-where we stop and hope for the best on the next 4. One HUGE consideration is Houston will be flat. You would think hills are horrible, but they give you a chance to rest when you are going down them. You just put it into G L I D E- and coast your way down. Flat routes require the same muscles to be used OVER AND OVER-NOT A GOOD THING. We will probably plan to go to Monroe a few times to run on the flat surface over there and get a little used to that.

I am off to the church to greet all of the sweet kiddos as they come to M&M's, which is our answer to Wednesday Prayer Meeting. All this requires is opening the door, high fives & hugs. I THINK I CAN HANDLE IT!

Tonight is our first meeting of our "Small Group" for the year. I am really looking forward to that. LOVE THOSE PEOPLE and love serving and growing with them. Mr. C has a "Georgia is so dry" joke I KNOW HE CANNOT WAIT TO TELL. GOOD TIMES!


Cynthia said...

Um, where have I seen that picture before? :)

I saw your running buddy, Sandra, tonight at church. We waved from across the room and I immediately thought of you.

Any chance I could eat dinner with you and Mr. C next week? I'd sure love some face-to-face time with 2 of my favorite mentors!

Lora said...

Let me check with him and get back with you. I would love it, but need to check schedules.