Thursday, September 6, 2007


Started the day with a POWER walk with "The Iron Woman" Mrs. Sandra. We were cruising, but still only finished our 5 miler in l 09. This is a difficult route, but thought we were going faster than that. I am sure I was holding her back. Went to the weight room following that little warm up and lifted a few of my favorite weights.

Then the fun really began! Went for a "deep tissue" massage by a masseuse that specializes in athletes. Now when you think massage-you probably think-

Oh yes, the wonderful relaxation massage. Soft music, soft lights, gentle long stroking rubs. FORGET THAT! This was more like a medieval torture chamber. The object was to rub until you found a knot and then you take you thumb and press down as hard as you can. If you don't get the knot out doing that, then you resort to putting all of your weight into it with your entire forearm pushing into the knot. It seems I am pretty TIGHT. Many knots and MANY sore pressure points. After and hour and a half of finding these sore tight muscles and going through this torture, I SURRENDERED! He then told me that next week (OH YEAH-SUCH BAD SHAPE I'VE GOT TO TO BACK) we would do the true sports massage, which he said was really painful. OK-I've been doing my Lamaze breathing techniques through this entire ordeal and next week the REAL pain comes?????

At the very end of the massage, he goes to my feet and tells me this is the most important part for runners. He then proceeds to find EACH AND EVERY knot in the sole of my foot and do the press thingy. This may sound relaxing and really great to you, but I challenge you to find the knots in the bottom of your feet (we all have them) and then using your thumb apply as much pressure as you can. NOW WASN'T THAT FUN???

We never even got to why my hip is hurting and sore, but he did tell me he has a good idea why and he will know for sure after next week's torture, oh I mean sport's massage.

When he kept talking about athletes and what these techniques do for them, I needed to tell him, "I'm just a wannabe." After I got up from the massage table, I noticed my rear was sore. I am sure it was from the death grip I got on that table each and every time he bore down. My kids and husband told me a long time ago that I was too uptight. It turns out they were right.