Sunday, September 30, 2007
Meriedth is Miss Responsibility. I never really realized how mature she was until she brought her suite mate over one day last week. The friend is a sweet girl, but still a girl. Meriedth on the other hand is the sole of responsibility. She has just broken up with a boy that she had begun seeing this summer. When she first came back to school, she told me she had been seeing someone and her mother did not care for him. I immediately told her to listen to her mother, that mothers have an intuition about these things. She said when she told her mother they were not seeing each other anymore, she said- "PRAISE GOD!" Mothers just know about these things.
We walked 5 this afternoon in the REALLY hot sun. We were thankful when God provided a cloud for the last half of the trek. I am icing, soaking, warming & stretching my hip-just as directed by Jeff. We will see how it reacts.
Camille called distressed because she has an injury. She changed her shoes. NEVER NEVER NEVER change type of shoes in the middle of training for anything. When you find a brand and style that work-keep getting them. I have been wearing the same type and brand for about 3 years now. IF IT AIN'T BROKE-DON'T TRY TO FIX IT! I gave her the same advice I have taken- REST- ICE- ANTI-INFLAMMATORY-STRETCHING. Hopefully this will be a short lived thing. I actually missed an entire week of training while down with the flu, but came back hacking and finished the training and the marathon. That which we can't fix-we must endure.
It has been a glorious Sabbath. Our college pastor brought our message this AM. He is really developing into a great teacher. It is so wonderful to see God mature a young man into His leader.
Another week gone in marathon training. Now let's see that means we are 2/9ths of the way through. What a odd number!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Cake Table
We had Bethany's Bridal Shower today and it was wonderful. Many great friends attended and she received many lovely gifts. A truly great day! We all had fun being together and giving the party for our dear friend Sonja's daughter. The next step will be the wedding in Lafayette and we are looking forward to that weekend at the end of October. It is always fun and many laughs when we are together socially and today was no exception.
We ran our 14 miler this AM early. All I can say is that it was long and thankfully it is over. Many more miles to cover before we get to that magical 22, which finishes up the training. Mona ran with me most of the way, but the last 4 or 5 miles, I was on my own. I think I will get an ipod to keep me entertained. They are prohibited in the marathon, but I will think about that when I get there. Neither of my two main running partners are running the whole, so I will have to come up with a plan to get me through those miles alone.
We have many of our faster buddies that may well qualify for Boston. That is such a thrill for us all to see anyone in the group do well. I am cheering them on and hoping for a good representation from Ruston come that magical day in Boston.
Tomorrow is the Sabbath. My thoughts are turning to preparing for worship. What a blessing to be allowed the freedom to worship with no fear of interference or condemnation. I AM THANKFUL!
Friday, September 28, 2007
I spent the morning combing the "Great Outdoors" for things to put in a flower arrangement. I had great fun and got plenty of funny looks when I would step out with those big clippers in my hands. One of the best things about my explorer is that I can haul all of these kinds of things around in the back. I have a tall full arrangement to take to the shower tomorrow. Now all I have to do is figure out how to get it to the church.
I have taken yesterday and today off from all physical activity in an effort to give my hip a rest. We will see tomorrow how well it does after getting up earlier than usual to "trick" it. Getting old is not bad-it is just your body falling apart that is the pits.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
We had a wonderful small group last night. It is so encouraging to be with this great group of fellow believers. What a wonderful gift God has given us.
Our adopted college students are coming over for supper tonight. We have seen lots of Meriedth this year, but Gracie only once. Gracie always has drama in her life, so I look forward to hearing those tales. It is a small dose of what it used to be like with Camille around, only no dancing through the room at random times. I miss that spontaneity. WHAT A GIRL!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007
"Your Name"
Today is the first day of Fall, but someone forgot to tell Mother Nature. It is HOT and humid. We walked this afternoon while it was 93 degrees on one of the downtown thermometers. I was in a sweat for over an hour after coming home.
Went the 13 miles of yesterday's long run and realized that I am half way there. At about this time, every time in training, I am thinking there is no way I can double this mileage. Somehow, so far, I have managed to do that, but only time will tell. The "Big Girls" and Larry were through with their run in 2:03. I drug in 30 minutes later. This marathon has a 6 hour time limit and I am getting concerned about that. As long as you know that you have unlimited time, it does not seem so daunting. To go through 18 weeks of training, actually go to the marathon and run the miles and miss the time limit is A VERY DISCOURAGING thought. Sandra told me to take my time and multiply it by 2.2 and this would give me an idea of what my time would be. According to my calculations-IT WILL BE VERY CLOSE. What to do? OH WELL I WILL THINK ABOUT THAT TOMORROW!
We ate dinner with my brother and sister-in-law last night. They were telling us about taking their granddaughter who is 3 to a high school football game Friday night. They said Audrey had a wonderful time. She did tell Laurie that her baby sister, Abbie (Few months old) did not want to go to the ballgame. When asked how she knew that, she said Abbie told her. They said she really enjoyed the candy, popcorn & sprite. The crickets and bugs around the lights were fascinating to her, but they are not sure if she understood anything about the ballgame. She was most concerned when the team ran out on the field and they told her-"Here come the Tigers." She wanted to make sure "the Tigers" were not going to get her. DON'T YOU LOVE CHILDREN!
The good news about training is we are now 1/6th of the way through. If you say it fast, it does not sound too bad!
Friday, September 21, 2007

I received my annual social security account statement which set me to once again thinking-plotting-& planning when I plan to begin drawing my social security. I am actually not quite old enough to begin receiving that check-BUT it is never too early to think these things over. As the statement explains to you, you have the option to begin drawing early, at 62, or anytime up until the full retirement age, which for me is 66. The difference in the time you begin your social security journey is that the amount is considerable less at 62 than at full retirement age. You have to consider the 4 years you will draw the lesser amount and the preceived earning capacity of the money during that period of time and the income tax cost of drawing during that time. IT CAN BECOME COMPLICATED! It is all a lottery game or a game of chance. If you do not start drawing at 62 and die before you are 66-YOU ARE OUT OF LUCK. And guess what-Uncle Sam reaps the benefit. Your spouse can draw the greater of his social security or yours, as you surviving spouse, but not both. I am busy trying to figure out how to BEAT THE SYSTEM. I will have to live until I am 79 1/2, if I wait until my 66th birthday to begin drawing to be ahead of Uncle Sam's game. Then every month I live after 79 1/2, I am getting to him! There is a lot of longevity in the females in my family, but what if someone runs over me-or a shark eats me-or a snake bites me at the park-you get my drift???? If I wait to draw when I am 66, I am going to alert all of my children and Mr. C that in the event of an illness-etc.-they are to hook me up to ALL of the machines that can keep me alive. If mushrooms start growing out of my ears and navel, they are to keep me alive until 79 1/2 + 1 month. I NEED TO GET THE BEST OF UNCLE SAM!
OK- one more time---HURRAH FOR FRIDAY! It is truly a delight-this one day of the week- to know that I do not have to get out of the bed-nor do I have to do anything physical. Now I am usually up around 7 or before anyway-BUT-I didn't have to do that.
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

One of the regular readers requested a picture of "The Toe"-
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Monday, September 17, 2007

Sunday, September 16, 2007
Blessed Sabbath

Saturday, September 15, 2007
Day Of The Dog
The rest of the run was pretty normal-long-but doable until we get to the last less than a mile. When you run up the hill at Chautaqua you can go left or right. Our normal route is left and this is a tough finish, but doable. Miss Stephanie had the BRILLIANT idea that we should try right today. After I had run (by myself by this time) .35 mile, I encounter not one, but two very large German Shepperds that seem to be guarding their territory with great vigilance. I turn around and go back and finish the way we normally go. In case you have not figured this out, I have gone an extra .7 mile. 12.7 miles-BUT WHO IS COUNTING! That extra-unexpected mileage-even though it sounds minimal does not make me a happy camper. By the time I got back to the bank, I told Stephanie that I would choke her, if I had the strength. We walked another mile to stretch those tired legs out.
I came home and worked in the yard with BC and blew off the church sidewalks and drives after that. I HAD HAD ENOUGH!
Fun times tonight! I am cooking burgers & beans to take over to Dr. Dale & Mrs. Helen's lovely home. Looking forward to fellowship with our sweet friends.
Friday, September 14, 2007
I read in the paper today that cars may have to begin carrying a warning of the weight limit. It seems that Corvettes are not made for 2-200 pounders nor are mini-vans made for 6-200 pounders. They are intended more for an average weighing 170 pounds, or they become dangerous and more difficult to control. I remember one time when Bobby and I took a van load of teenagers and all of their luggage on a youth mission trip. The van did not handle well-NOW I UNDERSTAND WHY. I guess from now on when you get in a vehicle, you need to ask what the load limit is and then ask the weight of each passenger. That should go over REALLY well with all of your friends.
Camille's best friend, Mary Lou, has flown into Erie for the weekend. This was Adam's birthday present to Camille-flying Mary Lou in. She is so excited! The weather is supposed to be in the 50's tomorrow, so ML may have a shock after suffering through New Orleans in the recent months. I KNOW they will have a wonderful weekend. Hopefully Adam & Powers will survive two women in the house.
Tomorrow is long run day. We have changed our route a little bit to keep down the griping from the troops. Do you know how difficult it can be coming up with a safe, not terribly hilly, and not monotonous route which is 10 and more miles. It doesn't get too bad coming up with them until we hit the 15 miler, but from there to 22 is a chore. My friend, Mona, says don't tell me where we are going, just surprise me. I like that approach, but most of these people are WAY out in front of me-so I have to tell them. OH WELL-if you don't like it come up with your own route!
Thursday, September 13, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Reflections of Sorrow

Monday, September 10, 2007

Sunday, September 9, 2007
The big toe does not hurt at all, but the second toe has a blister under the toenail is is pretty sensitive. Not the first time this has happened, and probably will not be the last. Sonja suggested I might need to get "walking" shoes. I don't think I will tell Mr. C that I need to buy another pair of shoes, since my closet in currently over-running with running shoes.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Boys, Don't Make Me Come Down There!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Oh yes, the wonderful relaxation massage. Soft music, soft lights, gentle long stroking rubs. FORGET THAT! This was more like a medieval torture chamber. The object was to rub until you found a knot and then you take you thumb and press down as hard as you can. If you don't get the knot out doing that, then you resort to putting all of your weight into it with your entire forearm pushing into the knot. It seems I am pretty TIGHT. Many knots and MANY sore pressure points. After and hour and a half of finding these sore tight muscles and going through this torture, I SURRENDERED! He then told me that next week (OH YEAH-SUCH BAD SHAPE I'VE GOT TO TO BACK) we would do the true sports massage, which he said was really painful. OK-I've been doing my Lamaze breathing techniques through this entire ordeal and next week the REAL pain comes?????
At the very end of the massage, he goes to my feet and tells me this is the most important part for runners. He then proceeds to find EACH AND EVERY knot in the sole of my foot and do the press thingy. This may sound relaxing and really great to you, but I challenge you to find the knots in the bottom of your feet (we all have them) and then using your thumb apply as much pressure as you can. NOW WASN'T THAT FUN???
We never even got to why my hip is hurting and sore, but he did tell me he has a good idea why and he will know for sure after next week's torture, oh I mean sport's massage.
When he kept talking about athletes and what these techniques do for them, I needed to tell him, "I'm just a wannabe." After I got up from the massage table, I noticed my rear was sore. I am sure it was from the death grip I got on that table each and every time he bore down. My kids and husband told me a long time ago that I was too uptight. It turns out they were right.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I am off to the church to greet all of the sweet kiddos as they come to M&M's, which is our answer to Wednesday Prayer Meeting. All this requires is opening the door, high fives & hugs. I THINK I CAN HANDLE IT!
Tonight is our first meeting of our "Small Group" for the year. I am really looking forward to that. LOVE THOSE PEOPLE and love serving and growing with them. Mr. C has a "Georgia is so dry" joke I KNOW HE CANNOT WAIT TO TELL. GOOD TIMES!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
"I saw you walking"

Monday, September 3, 2007

Austin, Texas has to be the exercise Mecca. You would not believe the runners and cyclist. Scott & Caroline live off of 620 which is a loop around northwest Austin. It is a nice wide highway-or should I say racetrack-with a large shoulder for cyclist and runners. THEY ARE LEGION! All sizes, shapes and genders are out on the road at all hours of the day. I actually did not see too many out at night, but that is very understandable considering how dangerous the road is. The cyclist tend to be in flocks with brightly colored jerseys, not unlike a flock of birds streaming past. WHAT A SIGHT! This area is on Lake Travis and is in BIG TIME Hillcountry, MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN I HAVE WORDS TO DESCRIBE. No wonder you have so many exercisers. The scenery is truly inspiring!
Today began Marathon Training! It was hot and humid, which was a disappointment after being promised cooler weather. Oh well-it will come! We ran the 5 mile loop from Tech and I paid for missing the past week. I did make it until the last hill, where I had to walk the last 1/3 the way. We then walked 3 miles on the hilly route around the stadium complex. OK-GREAT- I have finished 1/7th of 1/18th or the marathon training. Let's see that is 1/126th. NOW THAT IS A DAUNTING NUMBER!
Our sweet, adopt a college students, are back from their summer break. AH GRACIE AND MERIEDTH. They lead to many good stories which I will blog about during the school year. We try to feed them once a week and they come and wash their clothes occasionally. Gracie is from Kenya and Meriedth from Shreveport. They have very different personalities and are lots of fun to be around. Gracie is an engineering student and Meriedth is in journalism and graphic design so they are busy young ladies. Look forward to "The Adventures of Gracie & Meriedth" for there is never a dull moment!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Pizza & Cake For The Gang
Dad, Mom & Birthday Boy Playing
HONEY, I'M HOME! And I am glad to be home! Long trip-but delightful weekend. We birthdayed at this place that is FULL of inflatables. All had a great time and were sweating before the morning was over. Pizza and birthday cake rounded out the festivities. WILD AND WOOLY-boys. I think BC is probably sore from them crawling all over him and playing with him all weekend. The both are growing and when you don't see them except every 3 months are so-they really look bigger. Both boys have started school and seemed to be pretty happy with the first week. They are full of life and ALL BOY! They may be the death of their mother!It was a U of TX home ballgame so we were in a "Sea of Orange". These people take their football SERIOUS! It maybe is not quite as crazy as Baton Rouge on home game weekends, but they are definitely big time into it.
One of the highlights of our weekend was riding through 60 miles of fields blooming in white. This was as pretty as the bluebonnets were at Easter. I am looking for the flower, but it may be a bull nettle. It looked like fields of snow for a distance. QUITE A SIGHT!