Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Mr. Titmouse

Little Chickadee
Glorious Bluebird

Today was "hill run" day. These new GPS'es are great, but we noticed a couple of problems this AM after finishing our 5 miles. I have my Garmin set to give me a little "ling-ling" at every mile. It also has a different alert for when you are not running in the parameters that you set. My "Ding Dong" was chiming constantly, but I thought that was just part of it. When we had finished our torture (OH I MEAN FUN), Babs said her Garmin never gives her ANY alerts and in fact-she has never heard a single chime. I said, "Babs-YOU TURNED OFF YOUR LING-LING!" They all cracked up. We started looking at why this was and Sandra discovered I had my alert above at .59 per mile. She started laughing and said that not even Marion Jones could run that pace! OK maybe a mile in less than a minute is a bit over the top! We have me resest, so PERHAPS I will not sound like the Church Bell Choir going down the road, but we stilll don't know why Babs'es Ling-Ling is off! Back to the book-UGH! Technology in the hands of a "Baby Boomer" is a dangerous and daunting thing!

Today is another WONDERFUL Spring day! I am stuck inside trying to get my income tax program up and running. I have been watching the birds fly to the feeder which is about 6 feet from my front door and feed all morning. The Chickadees swoop in-get one little piece of seed- and fly off to eat it. The titmouse runs off the chickadees when they come to feed. There name sounds small, but actually the chickadee is smaller. This leads to a continuous parade of Chickadees flying in and out. I did see my bluebird pair on the yard feeder. I have the nesting box all cleaned out and ready for them. I missed having them to nest last year, so hopefully they will claim the box before another. I love watching the action!

I was REALLY excited to see that I had a reader ALL THE WAY from Pittsburg that commented on my "Spring is coming" post yesterday. I wish Spring for PA also! Especially since we will be heading to the frozen NORTH next Thursday. We haven't had enough REAL cold this year to thicken my blood-I COULD BE IN TROUBLE!


Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

oooh, started working on taxes last night. I hate years w/moves and stock option exercising...i love them, but hate them at tax time. Just extra crap you gotta plug in........

I you sure it isn't ring ring or bling bling.................

you said "titmouse" *heheheh beavis and butthead laugh*

Dr. Dale Boersma said...

Is it time for income taxes again. And me with out Dale able to tell me what to do- so what will I do. Get it together now. It is Spring and I have picked some flowers from his garden to put in a vase so he could enjoy them' Have some good discussions tonight and we love you all. How would we have gotten along with out the camp director.

Anonymous said...

It's such an honor to have a "shout out" on your blog! I grew up in Erie and a friend of mine went to LECOM and mentioned Camille's blog, so I found yours through hers! I love reading about a newcomers view of Erie. I may start a blog,so if I do I will let you know and you both can read about life in the "Burg as we call it!