Tuesday, February 26, 2008


My sweet & supportive husband made the following comment tonight, "If your legs are as hard as your head, you should have it made!" WELL! Why in the world would the man make a comment like that? Perhaps it was the fact that I told him I would be running tomorrow AM. Just because my foot is a lovely shade of blue, doesn't mean it can't carry me down the road. It only hurts when I flex it or turn it certain ways. I did go and buy an ankle brace today, in an effort to keep it stable while running. My words of wisdom to all of my buddies are, "Listen to your body." Mine is saying, "GO FOR IT!" I have also had a couple of really cute comments about a walker and scooter. One of the strategies for working out the soreness is writing letters with your foot. I have a few letters I would like to write for all of the "Smarties" out there.

While sitting with my foot propped and iced, I began thinking about how lazy I have become since the marathon. I have kept up the running and some of the walking, but that has pretty much been the extent of it. It is PAST TIME for me to get busy and add back the cross training to my schedule. I need to be back in that weight room, adding walking miles, swimming, biking, and maybe even an occasional yoga class. The cross training keeps me in better form and helps prevent injuries. Who knows-if my core had been stronger and therefore my balance better, perhaps I would not have fallen Monday. I am resolved to get to work-but right after a long weekend of celebrating in Erie.

While at the pharmacy buying an ankle brace, I also bought one of those daily pill boxes. You know the kind every old person has that is divided into days of the week and AM, Noon, & Night. Now before I get any wise comments about my age, etc., the only prescription drug I take is for arthritis. I got this to help me keep up with all of the vitamins, minerals and supplements that I take. Some you take once a day, some twice, and some three times. I don't want to think about this everyday and wonder if I have taken them or not, so I bought the little box. I will put them in there once a week and then if the day's slot is empty, I will know I have taken the dosage. I have a doctor friend that told me that if I would eat right, this would not be a problem and no supplements would be needed. That will never happen-bad habits and poor attitude about that subject. This same doctor friend also told me I had the most expensive urine in the parish. Some cute comment about where all those pills ended up. VERY FUNNY, INDEED!


Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

uh, sweetheart, you are FAR from lazy. Most 20 year olds that I know don't even walkj, let alone run or weight train. My 81 year old grandma gets a wheelchair at the airport...I am sure they can free one up for ya. LOLOLOLOL

Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

I have a problem with the "j" key on my computer heheheheh

what is walkj???

Deb said...

If you are lazy I hate to think what I am .... good grief.

I heard from Mom today and they got about 7 inches of snow today. She said it is nuts....I don't know about Erie...two hours to the west, but I bet they got some, too. Be safe....I will say a prayer for your travel. Happy 16th Birthday to BC!! Hope you have a great time.