Friday, February 15, 2008


I started having sinus problems again today. I think it has been coming on all week, but today I began feeling a little under the weather. It seems this is inherant with living in Louisiana. Almost everyone I have talked with this week seems to be having similiar problems. When it is freezing at 6 AM and in the upper 60s a few hours later, this begins the problem. Then today it is in the upper 60's and the humidity is 80%-you can feel the moisture in the air. Then comes the sinus problems.

I had a comment on a previous blog and a couple of friends have talked about a "Netti Pot". Friend Ginny told me today that Dr. Og on Oprah was also singing the pot praises. I decided while at the "Natural Food" store to get one and give it a try. What did I have to lose?

When I read the outside of the box and the blurb talked about using the "Pot" to cleanse your sinus and prepare you for Yoga, I should have known trouble was just around the corner. I have a "hate-hate" relationship with yoga and after my third attempt at trying to learn to like it-I have once again given up.

The instructions are simple enough-mix one teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water and pour it into the pot. OK-I had no problem with that. Then you tilt your head to the side-put the spout up to your nose and allow it to pour in and out of your nostril while breathing through your mouth. The woman on the box has a smile on her face while doing this. How hard could it be?

When I put the spout up to my nostril, I did not take into account the small size of my nostrils. It is truly amazing how small my nostrils are considering the size of my big nose. I have always had to breath through my mouth while running since I could not get enough air in through my nose. There should be enough room for the spout to pour the salt water into your nose and it to flow back out. RIGHT! When I put the spout up to my nose, it created a seal and the salt water poured down the back of my throat causing me to gag and choke. I thought I was going to drown. I immediately pulled the pot away and began sputtering and spewing salt water. OK-try again. This time I had better luck, but the salt water burns to high heaven. I finally managed to get the knack-at least I could do it without it pouring down my throat and spitting salt water like a fountain.

I must admit that for a while I was able to breath better than I have in years. Perhaps I will try again, but first I must forget today's experience. I am not big into afflicting pain to myself and this was definitely painful! The woman on the box with the big smile on her face was obviously holding an empty pot to her nose since there was no salt water pouring out of her nose and down her face unto her shirt.
When looking for a picture of a netti pot on the internet, I found several Youtube sights of people showing you how to do it. I don't think I really have the procedure correct, but if you want a good laugh, go to YouTube and look at the videoes. I am crazy, but you will not see me on the World Wide Web washing my nose out!


Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

I have always sniffed saltwater when sick. Love Dr. Oz.

You hate yoga, because you are trying to "win" yoga. You can't "win" yoga.....just be happy with the space you are in. Namistay! LOL, I don't know if I speeled that right. I love yoga and I suck at it.....

the Jennings secede from the South said...

Nice post...Great mental imagery. Get dad to take a picture next time, okay?

P.S. we do have small nostrils and earholes- I can't fit Adam's headphone in my ears.

Ann Miller said...

Again, it could be genetic. I have small nostrils and earholes, also. I had to get new earthings for my ipod b/c the ones that came with it would not fit. Suprisingly, I also have a very small mouth. Just ask Dr. Grafton--bad issues when making molds for my braces!!

Deb said...

It takes practice...I have good Neti pot days and bad Neti Pot days. I hate it when the water gets in the sinuses above my eyes. It makes the hair hurt on the back of my head. When it is done correctly and the water doesn't wonder off to place it should not go, it is great. Hang in there...