Thursday, February 7, 2008


Camille is getting her chuckle for the week from an annoymous comment on my last blog. She is living vicariously through someone brave enough (behind the veil of annominity) to call my hand on giving advice to do one thing and actually doing another.

WELL, LUCY, LET ME ESPLANE (as Ricky would say)! Dr. Sonja and I have conferred and are 99% sure that I have a muscle problem. My hip has actually gotten better since the Massage Terrorist worked on it last week, which is a good indication that it is muscular. (That or the arthristis medicine kicked in) The calf that is in a major wad now may have started by me over pronating to compensate for the hip. Dr. Sonja looked at it today and said it was in the solar plexis (or some other big name) muscle. She felt along the bone in my lower leg and there is no pain, so no stress fracture. I have gone and gotten the big adhesive pads with analgesic in them to trick that muscle into thinking it is warm before I run tomorrow AM. I am not crazy enough to continue running if the pain gets worse. After all of these years of running, I listen to my body and can pretty much identify what is not doing any permanent damage and what pain I can actually run through. SO-long SLOW run tomorrow which is not as much pounding-unless the pain is unbearable! I actually stayed home today and did not lift or walk in an effort to give it a chance to heal and we will be gone this weekend-so almost 3 days of rest before the Monday run. THE DEFENSE RESTS, YOUR HONOR!

We are on our way to Austin tomorrow AM to see the Grands via Natchitoches. Now I know you are thinking that is the REALLY LONG WAY AROUND, but BC has business there, so business before pleasure. Saturday is our wedding anniversary and what better way to spend it than with our kids and grands! We are looking forward to seeing the new house and "eyeballing" all of them. It is one thing to talk with someone via phone wires or email-but there is not quite anything like putting an eyeball on them. You need that visual for assurance that what you are hearing is actually the facts. Pictures to come of all the fun in future blogs.


Anonymous said...

what a great getting up morning- Saturday. Congratulations to you both on the years spent together. Do you finish each others sentences? Amazing isn't it. How many years? May you have many more and they be as great as the past years. Love to your kids and safe journey,

Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

Nothing like a good "eyeball"....I always tell my kids....Mom's are like potatoes, they have eyes all over so they see everything.

Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

Perhaps you should take up swimming......less stress on the joints. You don't want to end up in a wheelchair for the rest of your years because you just couldn't give up running. Hopefully it is not that important to you. There are other things out there!!!

Deb said...

Hope you have a great visit and HAPPY! HAPPY Anniversary!! to one of my favorite couples on this flawed orb. You probably can't believe how many years you have been married...the passage of time does get faster and faster the older we get. Strange how that works.

Have a great that hip muscle. You just trained for a marathon and ran the marathon. Your body will heal...IF you will rest it. You may have to rest more than three days.