Mr. C & I are off to Austin and a short visit with our 2 grands. Looking forward to seeing the "Little Darlings" and hearing about school which started this week. Brace yourself for postings of pictures of my "perfect" grandchildren upon return.
Went to the park this afternoon for a 6 mile walk. We cross a creek that is right by a culvert just before mile 2. I was in the rear and heard something as I jumped the creekbed. When I looked by this REALLY big water mocassin was slithering away back toward the culvert from where we had come. THIS EVEN ALARMED ME! Under normal circumstances, I might not have even said anything, but this was a big snake and they are known for their nasty tempers. Thank you Lord for protecting us! We did finish but looked very carefully every other time we had to cross the creek.
This has been a good Sabbath! Heard our Very High Right Reverend Love this AM. He was preaching to all of those that let STUFF take control of their lives. I had a good time ribbing my hubby and Mrs. Helen about "Their Stuff" after the service. Our honorary nephew, Greg, drove from Jackson to talk with our friend Charles about mission work in Africa. It is wonderful to see God light a fire and a life become dedicated to His work. Greg has special talents and those talents are desperately needed in Africa. We are delighted to see him pursuing this mission.
My sweet and wise daughter told me this weekend that it is so neat how God places special people in our lives. He then uses us to show the Love of God to not only those special ones, but to the ones that are observing our actions. I thank God for any opportunity to reflect His Love. What an awesome responibility and honor to be the reflection of His Infinite Grace!
Just call me Ms Caboose! No matter how hard I work, I just cannot seem to get out in front of any of the other runners. We ran at 5:30 this AM and was it a sauna! Babs, Sandra, Larry, Sonja, Lisa, & I ran the CTB route for our usual 5 mile Wednesday run. I started out great, but that didn't last long. By the time we got to the mini mart, the others were still chugging along and Babs & I were stopping for water. We might have kept them in closer sight than usual, but they still are way out front. Sandra kicked it into overdrive the last mile or so and went off and left everyone. This is with a cracked rib! We then walked another 3 miles or so and THAT sports fans was PLENTY! Ok-so maybe my gift to the running world is being "The Snail." Somebody has got to bring up the rear after all!
The ground is dry and I am watering everyday in an effort to keep things alive. It is a struggle!
Spoke with Camille and she passed a guy on her early run that has been breaking into cars and stealing CD's. I think it gave her a good scare. She got the Mom lecture about finding someone to run with, but then I got to hear why that would not work. Hopefully she will continue to take Mr. Powers with her when she runs early. I have always had this theory that the NUTS were not out at those early hours, but maybe some just haven't gone home from the night before. Good reason to keep your car locked in Erie. We live a very sheltered life in little old Ruston and that, Friends, is a good thing.
While on our hiking trip, we saw many ground squirrel towns which looked like scores of mounds of dirt in rows. The entire meadow would look like a mini ski mogul trail. My yard looks like that today, only it is pine straw and deep tatch which make up the mounds. Mr. Armadillo has been scrounging around looking for grubs. These lovely animals come in the dead of the night, but I occasionaly will see one when leaving in the wee hours of the morning. They have no fear of you and just continue on making a mess of your yard. It is not easy to keep this 4+ acres looking neat and natural. Mr. Armadillo is making that task even tougher!
About this time of the year, every year, we have a rash of earthworm suicides. It is very dry here and the ground has become moistureless. Poor Mr. Earthworm needs the moisture and on the constant hunt for that wet soil, he so loves. For some unknown reason, he climbs out of the ground and proceeds to crawl across the asphalt drive. This results in his demise and he becomes Mr. Dried Earthworm. We had a friend that went into the business of freeze drying worms for fish bait. Perhaps I should call him and offer the legions of worms on my drive everyday. I am not sure if they would make very good bait as they are definitely lifeless and certainly not plump, which is what I believe the fish love.
No working out or exercising for me today. I chose this as a down day after 3 days in a row. I did find out that our IRON WOMAN, Sandra had a fall yesterday. She was walking 5,after running 5, when she tripped on a crack in the sidewalk and down she went. If you haven't ever seen her walk, well her walk is more like my run. She cracked a rib, which is very painful, and no treatment. The WOMAN OF IRON did not let that stop her though, she was back up this AM and walking her 5 miles. WOW!!
Tomorrow is the Sabbath. What a blessing to worship without fear and knowing the Lord is present with us. The Sabbath was made for man, not the man was made for the Sabbath, so we will rest in the assurance of His good desires for us.
I am grilling lamb, Sandra, for supper. That with a ceasar salad and orzo, YUMMY! Sandra gives me a hard time about my favorite grilling meats, but that's ok-I LOVE a woman that will eat whatever you put in front of her.
Camille went and filled out her employment forms today and is in the process of having a security check. I am not sure what national threat an employee of a medical school might have, but you NEVER KNOW! She called to ask where we were all born and it turns out her parents, her brothers, and she were all born in Ruston. Does God ever place those together that he intends! We are proud of Mrs. Camille for joining the corps of gainfully employed!
I did get a few comments on yesterday's blog, but if you are not registered as a blogger, I cannot comment back. Once again, if you would like to blog, I give FREE lessons. It can't be too hard-after all I can do it.
Today was our mowing group's day to mow the church lawn, so I spent the first part of the morning mowing for Jesus. Do you think he was happy with my effort?
I have had a couple of emails encouraging me to continue blogging, so maybe I will. An audience of two is better than none! I am not as entertaining as my Super Blogger Daughter, but will give it an effort.
One of the things I failed to mention on my blog about Canada was the WONDERFUL temperature. We would get up to the 40's, but it would warm up everyday. The HUGE difference was the humidity. I think I would weather fast if I lived up there because it is so dry, but IT IS SO NICE! We got off the plane in Denver and IT WAS HOT, but not that humid. We got off the plane in Dallas and the sauna hit!
Tomorrow marks really getting back to the real world. We run at 6 AM from Chase. I am actually looking forward to it. My legs have had a rest since Monday, so hopefully they will be good to go. I don't expect any miracle of speed, but will push along-WELL IN MY COMFORT ZONE. I will never forget my speedy daughter telling me that I didn't run-I shuffled. OH WELL- My mantra is, "All forward motion counts."
BC's Dad did break his arm, but the good news is that it is a clean break and did not require surgery. He may be a little out of touch with reality. He told Kathy to put a sign on his shop door that he would be out Aug. 1st-14th. I don't think he will be ready to raise that arm in two weeks, but I think he will figure that out. What a man-still working at 86!
We visited with Gabe Wednesday during our flying visit to BR. He looks well and is trying to get a move to Austin going. Moving and looking for a job can be overwhelming, but you just have to jump in headfirst and paddle.
BC & I are planning a trip to Erie to see our #1 Daughter during August. I looked at flights last night and hopefully will get tickets this weekend. MISS THAT LITTLE DARLING! Erie's gain-Texas's loss.
Will try to find time this weekend to download the pictures and send out the site. What a wonderful trip! If you would like for me to continue to blog the runner's exploits-please let me know. I need all of the encouragement I can get!!!!!!