Saturday, May 30, 2009

HENRY SAYS ----HEY!!!!!!!!!!!

BC arrived the middle of the afternoon yesterday.  It has been an almost NON-STOP Henry holding since then.    We offered to take Henry after the 9 PM or so feeding and feed him a bottle for the next feeding and then put him down once he was out.  We NOW understand some of what The Jennings have been telling us.

When they went to bed, Henry was WIDE AWAKE!  At eleven, after passing him back and forth a few times, I finally left him with BC.  I think he got on the couch with him and they both took a short nap.  The next feeding didn't occur until oneish.  BC fed him-after a little frustration on his and Henry's part over a nipple with no hole in it- and we got him down in pretty short fashion-OR SO I THOUGHT!  I heard him crying not long after and went in to find Mom and Dad awake with a gassy baby.  I started the rocking in the nursery and the next thing I know here comes Poppa Bob to the rescue.  He takes Henry downstairs and I do not hear another peep.

At 5:30 this AM, I realize I have not heard any action and become concerned.  I run downstairs to discover BC on the couch with Henry asleep on his chest.  HOW MANY a baby has slept in this position??????  I go back to bed and pretty soon I hear Camille making a mad dash downstairs-----SOMETHING about an over-supply of milk!

Currently Henry & BC are back on the couch for a morning nap.  I am pretty sure BC needs it and Henry seems to be enjoying.  Pics to come once I get home and down-load.

NOTE to the runners-----didn't run this AM-----IT WAS A LITTLE COOL and I didn't have cool weather running clothes----WELL DRAT!


Deb said...

Ahhhh...way to go Papa Bob.

Hey, what was the high today? Just wondering....

Anonymous said...

Honestly, you are such a nice mom and dad to Camille. It is really wonderful. Henry is luck bc she is now be able to pass that great parenting on to him. God Bless.

PS- I know you eat healthy but have you tried Erie's own pepperoni ball yet?