Sunday, May 10, 2009


Happy Mother's Day and a dozen red roses to each of you!
For the newest of Mothers

To the Mother of My First Two Grands
To All Those "Active Duty" Mothers In My Life

While I certainly always stop and think of my own Mother on this day, I really think those Mothers that are "in the trenches" are to be most honored this day. The Bible has many words of wisdom about Mothers and their virtues and I treasure and cherish those sacred instructions, but today I will give you a couple of my own "Golden Rules" of Motherhood and hope you take them to heart.
Take the time to stop and listen. It doesn't matter if your house is always spic
and span, the laundry all done, are everything in perfect order at home and at work--it does matter that you listen to what your children have to say. We always ate our meals at the table together with no distractions. It was a great time of sharing except for those few times when words were thrown and emotions ran high-but even then we grew together.
Take the time to play together. Play a game, throw a ball, ride a bike-just spend the time together.
Read together and talk about what you are reading. Read the comics, read a book, read a newspaper article, read anything-just read together.
Tell your children about your life and your thoughts. They will grow from your experiences and gleam from your wisdom when you honestly speak of your own life.
Pray with them. Don't just take them to church-talk about your personal relationship with Our Lord and discuss your faith openly with them. Teach them that God is not just a "Sunday Thing".
LAUGH, LAUGH, LAUGH! You are going to remember those laughs for a life time. Have fun and don't always take life so seriously, just share a laugh together.
I didn't always do such a good job of following my own rules while in the trenches. Your "Long-sight" gets blinded by your "Short-sight" far too often. I trust my own children knew my intent and hope they know how very much I love them.
So to all you Mother's that are deep in the middle of Motherhood, stop, take a deep breath, and enjoy the day for YOU are most revered and loved by us all.


Deb said...

It is sometimes painful to remember those sweet, early years because grown children are often far away and or busy with their own lives and we as Moms wonder if they really know how much we love them. Maybe it takes having a child of their own to "get it". I know it took that for me to REALLY understand how my Mom felt about me. It really opened my eyes!

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back. BTW, I haven't gotten my roses yet.

Chrome Cowgirl