Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Check out this look! I am not exactly fond of being ALL STRAPPED DOWN for a little walk! I thought maybe my Daddy would pop a few wheelies since he had me buckled in-but OH NO!! Then these parents of mine expect me to stay awake some in the day---so they put me in this thing that rolls and hums and the sun is bright and a fellow JUST CANNOT KEEP HIS EYES OPEN!
Momma Lulu and I had a little rocking session before bed. She started singing so I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep--ANYTHING TO STOP THAT NOISE! My Momma fed me my late night snack and then we went upstairs. The Momma and Poppa wanted to go to sleep-but wait I am not sleepy! So everytime they rocked me, I acted like I was asleep and then when they DARED to put me down-I LET THEM HAVE IT! By One AM, my Poppa was not too happy with me! Here came Momma Lulu to save the day. She said, "Let me have him" and they practically threw me at her and before she got out the door the lights were out. WELL! So Momma Lulu and I went for a late night rocking session. I thought-HEY I'VE GOT HER NUMBER, but the old lady is not a soft sale. The next thing I knew I woke up in my bed! WELL WE WILL SEE ABOUT THAT TONIGHT! I am resting up for the new challenge today. She mentioned something about me being "Gassy"-----WHAT THE!!!!!!
Somebody needs to call my Pappaw Conville. I am in great need of a little trim since my Momma said I had a MULLET! I AM SO INSULTED!


the Jennings secede from the South said...

You do have a slight mullet my little man...I'm just saying. Cute post!

Hannah Lee said...

Only sweet little Henry could sport a mullet like that and look so cute doing it!

Bethany said...

That is really sweet. Sweet Henry is so blessed to have you care for him so especially when his parents need their rest. What are they going to do without you?

Deb said...

hahaha.....sooo funny. Babies never like our schedules. It is a battle of the wills isn't it?

Ann Miller said...

mullets tend to run in the family...i think it was andrew that accused abby of the same hairstyle!!

Anonymous said...

You can shave that mullet off with clippers - we did that to Caleb. Of course it looked like we shaved it off with clippers...

Anonymous said...

Hey....look what the mullet did for Billy Ray Cyrus!!! I say keep it....'Cause as big a cutie and Henry is, he's going to "Achy Break" some hearts!!!!

Loved this post.

Miss ya...Luh ya!
