Sunday, May 31, 2009

Saturday, May 30, 2009
HENRY SAYS ----HEY!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I fight a constant battle with myself to stay on track with my exercise program. Beginning in the middle of February and continuing until now, I have had a string of excuses-some legit-some WELL IFFY at the best. So here I am, sitting in the "Internet Confessional" asking for forgiveness and vowing to start anew!
On my way to Erie. Birthday for the Little Momma and OH YEAH I get to see Henry--I GUESS Adam might be there too. Looking forward to a long weekend with The Jennings in the Heart of Yankee Land! LOOK OUT ERIE-HERE I COME! Just like a "Bad Penny" I keep showing up!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
We returned LATE last night from a weekend visit with Grand #1 & Grand #2. While there, we were treated to this video of #2 surfing the wake behind an inboard boat on Lake Austin. # 1 lives on the lake and he and #2 and the Grands go down to jump in the lake at least once everyday. WHO KNEW that #2 was such a talented surfer? It probably goes back to the days of skateboarding for HOURS on end and even having his own half pike in our side yard. It REALLY seems like yesterday in some ways!
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Thursday night, BC was on his way home from work and saw a man painting stripes on a parking lot . He made the block on a whim and went back to ask the man about painting the stripes on his parking lot for the office. The man and his wife owned their little business and agreed to come and paint BC's lot-----and maybe even the next day.
Meanwhile BC comes home and I am parked on the couch trying to rest and recover and get another big spurt of energy for the thousands of projects I have going. The Mudbug Race in Shreveport was that night, but after some discussion with Buddy, Sonja, I cancelled my trip and stayed home.
BC has scheduled dinner with James and I insisted that he go and beg off tagging along. He leaves and I start vegging out. In a couple of hours, the telephone rings and I HATE TO ADMIT THIS to the whole wide world of the internet, but I DON'T ALWAYS ANSWER THE TELEPHONE----especially when I am dragging! For some reason, I decide I should see what this particular caller needs. IN REALITY, I SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN SHREVEPORT AND SHOULD HAVE MISSED THE CALL! THE PLOT THIICKENS!!!!On the other end of the line is one of BC's office neighbors. He tells me that the man that is painting the parking lot stripes (RIGHT NOW) needs to talk to BC. THIS GUY HAS GONE BACK TO WORK AFTER HOURS AT SEVEN P.M.---WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT. I tell him I will run him down. I try to call BC, but NO ANSWER (WE ARE BOTH BAD ABOUT TURNING OFF THOSE CELL PHONES), BUT I know James'es cell number and he does answer.
BC goes by the office and the man has finished and done a great job and BC says I will get you a check. The man says, "Do you have any part of it in cash? I have some bills to pay and I need the paint to finish the other job and they will not pay me for two weeks." IT JUST SO HAPPENED that he did have enough cash on him to buy the needed paint.
BC told the painter, "This is God in action," The man replied, "I knew it when I saw you."
The REALLY COOL thing about this story, I was headed to Shreveport and was going even if I was exhausted, because they needed my car for the big group. When I spoke with Sonja and explained how tired I was, she immediately affirmed that I should stay and rest and worked out another big car for the group.
When BC and I compared notes and discovered how God had used us both, WE WERE SO BLESSED. It's the little things and small occasions in our lives that God can do some of his greatest work and then allows us a small glimpse of how he has used us.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
One of Susan's suggestions was to paint all of my garden furniture black so that it would "disappear". WHO KNEW! I had stone colored furniture since it sits on top of the stone thinking that would make it disappear. After a full day of spray painting-she is correct. It all looks great.
We have a big project scheduled beginning this weekend. In essence we are transforming the front beds into a "feast for the eyes". Moving existing plants and replacing with plants and flowers that will provide year round color is the plan. A new bed at the front of the house, more stone paths, and a BIG change to the front patio are all in the mix.
I have spent this past week adding to and pulling together the beds on the west side of the house. Visiting the Shade Nursery, planting the new plants, moving garden furniture, painting the same furniture, moving and repairing a fountain. In short Susan's wonderful ideas may well work me to my grave! BUT OH WILL IT BE WORTH IT!
Pictures will come when we finish-but NOW YOU KNOW WHY I HAVE BEEN EXHAUSTED!
Friday, May 22, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Last night we went to Helen's to watch Fox Network's "24" year end two hour extravaganza. Apparently we had NOTHING better to do. The only redeeming grace is the recording feature that allows you to fast forward through the commercials. Debbie told me that "24" always has a clear ending and will not leave you hanging. SHE WAS WRONG! Just like with the first cliff hanger that I ever saw "Who Shot JR", we were left with plenty of questions about the future.
The first time I ever got hooked on a sit-com was the first year of "Dallas". When left hanging after JR's shooting, I was NOT HAPPY. I watched "Dallas" next year for the first episode to see if he died and who was the lucky shooter and then TURNED IT OFF! You would think I would learn!
Over the years I have had a few other sit-coms with "Soap" like characteristics, but usually grow bored and tired of them and stop watching. BC likes "24", so I began watching it in the middle of the season this year. It didn't take long (just like a soap) to catch on to the story and I have sporadically watched it this year. WE ARE ALL SUCH SUCKERS! They are going to leave you hanging so you will tune in next season.
The wonderful thing about "The Good Old Days" was the sit-coms had weekly episodes that were self contained and not on-going serial stories. Each could be watched independent of the others and enjoyed. I can flip over and watch a "Andy Griffith" or "I Love Lucy" and enjoy it without wondering who is who and what happened the last episode. They seem to have lost this concept in today's weekly offerings.
For this reason, I don't really have too many shows that I watch on television. I stay on the stock channel all day if I am inside and at night BC watches LOTS of news or a good movie. A couple of weeks ago in Worship our Pastor mentioned what colossal amounts of time we waste watching television. I have to agree and was pleased to note while in Erie that The Jennings do not have their television on 24/7. SMART PEOPLE!
So in a "Nutshell" if you want to know if Jack Bower lives after his daughter does the DANGEROUS stem cell transplant or if the "Evil Forces" that are plotting to overthrow the US government succeed, or if the President ends up a lonely women-YOU MUST TUNE IN AGAIN NEXT YEAR AT THE END OF SEPTEMBER AFTER ENDURING 5 MONTHS OF RERUNS! WE ARE SUCH SUCKERS!
Sunday, May 17, 2009

BC's co-workers will have left-overs tomorrow. I have minced the pork and will send the BBQ sauce with buns for lunch time sandwiches.
I am off to prepare ice cream with warm chocolate sauce drizzle and fresh strawberries. I WILL NEED MY STRENGTH FOR OUR EARLY MORNING RUN!
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Not long after Dale's leaving, Helen told me, "Life will never be normal again." I agreed, but also told her, "You now have to make a 'New' normal." She has attacked the process of creating her new life with her usual energy and determination. I have been amazed and blessed to watch her progress.
Our mutual good friends, The Andersons, live just down the street from the Boersma abode. I asked Debbie where Helen was Wednesday when she did not come to small group. She replied, "I don't know-she's never home and the only thing I see of her are her taillights as they take off down the street." Helen is staying busy-going-doing-being with her huge host of friends and family.
One of the issues for Helen has been being alone in her house now-even with close neighbors. We talked about this and possible solutions. Yesterday we met with the Brinks Security man and a security system is being installed. We both agreed she will feel much safer with the system she has chosen. Suffice it to say, DO NOT GO TO HER HOUSE unannounced! With lots of bells and whistles in her system, you will not be able to enter her house in ANY manner without LOUD bells, sirens, and police escort ensuing.
She is being a "Good Grandmother" to her youngest grandchildren and has a grown granddaughter coming for most of the summer. I think in the future she will entertain doing medical mission trips with her doctor friends. Her nursing background will make her the perfect fit!
In a nutshell, Helen is not sitting and suffering. She certainly has her moments, but that is to be expected. Those moments do not last long and she is quickly busy with her many projects or with her many friends. Dale would be extremely proud of the "Love of His Life" as she tackles the process of "New Normal". She is a sweet blessing in my life and I am so thankful God "Threw Us Together". Here's to life as we co-mingle the past with the present to create the future.
Friday, May 15, 2009

8:05 AM
David B
The day also happens to be David's birthday -so there you go! He CLAIMS that he had no undue influence upon the time of the c section- BUT YOU JUST NEVER KNOW WITH DAVID! At any rate, DAVID YOU ARE THE WINNER! So I plan to send you a gift card to Amazon as stated in the original contest announcement. WAY TO GO, BIG BOY!
Today was my first run with "Buddy Mona" in a LONG LONG TIME! Pictured above on the right when we were decorating for her daughter Amy's wedding last summer. Amy is now expecting identical twin girls this summer. WOW what a few months can bring! The babies have a syndrome called (something like) Twin to Twin Transfer. Basically because the girls are identical and in the same sac they are sharing their food source. One twin begins to take more of the nutrients and the other suffers. We have been praying for these precious babies as their Momma is confined to bed rest while a careful watch is being kept on them. I am happy to report that "The Leachee" now weighs more than "The Leach" and they are doing great. Mona is SO excited about her first not one but two grandbabies!
I DIGRESS AGAIN! Where I was headed when I started this rambling is to tell you a LITTLE about one of Dubach's Finest! A PROUD graduate of Dubach High School, Mona is related to about half the parish since her maiden name was Colvin. ; (The Colvins are an entire post in theirselves) She was one of the originals (Ibelieve they call that Charter Members) of the Runners. THE WOMAN CAN TALK WITH THE BEST OF THEM! We ALL laugh and tell her if she was just be quiet while running she would be twice as fast. We can be huffing and puffing while running up the steppest hill and Mona will still be prattling away at one of her MANY stories. She is "Our Own Entertainment" and ESPECIALLY on the LONG LONG runs it is a delight to have her distraction along side you. You just have to be VERY careful when mentioning any names-she is more than likely related to them or related by marriage at a minimum. I HAVE MISSED MISS MONA AND HER CHATTER WHILE BEING OFF! It was GREAT to be "Home Again" this AM even if the run was the PITS. In case you didn't know it was 72 degrees and the humidity was 90 % at 5:20 AM-----GROAN!
Thursday, May 14, 2009

As I vowed while in PA, I am getting serious about my working out again! Monday it was storming-so I had to put off my plans for a day---but I believe I am making up for lost time now. Tuesday, we met for our Monday run-5 miles. I was determined to run at least 3 and ended up running the entire 5 miles. Pretty happy with the distance-but will not discuss the time! I had pains in both legs and wondered WHAT WAS I THINKING! We then walked about another mile to loosen up those tight muscles.
Larry & I decided to run our normal Wednesday run the next day -------NOT THAT I AM OCD or anything! Wednesday runs are HARD and very hilly. With the first step I KNEW I WAS IN TROUBLE! I finished, but had to walk two of the biggest hills and my time WAS WORSE than Mondays. NOW WHY DID I THINK IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO RUN TWO DAYS IN A ROW---WHEN I NEVER DO THAT! Add to that equation the weeks upon weeks that I have been off since the middle of February. WHAT WAS I THINKING?????
This morning we walked a few miles and then lifted weights. I have not been in the weight room since January 08. This is a recipe for disaster. I am thinking about Saturday I will need a winch to pry my butt out of the bed or out of the chair. I AM DETERMINED to get going again and back in shape. Time off is never a GOOD IDEA, but I may have pushed the limit and NOW --- Well Now I Am PAYING THE PRICE!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I told Larry I was sure that Camille would be jealous and want my "Henry". TOO BAD-she will have to wait until I die--IT'S MINE!
I have offered to be Larry's agent, so if any of you blog readers out there are interested in a "Genuine Pencil Drawing" by Larry of your loved one, let me know. LET'S MAKE A DEAL!
Monday, May 11, 2009
I had a nice weekend resting and recuperating since BC had not only cleaned house, but also had the yard and all surfaces nice, neat and orderly. We then had time to visit with each other, friends, and family during the weekend. Since I am afflicted with OCD, if things are not as they should be when I come home from any trip-even a day trip-I go into overdrive getting it all in order and lined up again. I am thankful for a sweet and thoughtful hubby-who even though he has been really sick-saw that all this was done.
We have spoken with Camille everyday and they seem to be surviving just fine without Momma Lulu. That is just as it should be! They seemed to have worked out a system even before I left. I have noticed from Camille's blog that they seem to not be eating from the "Meal Plan" that I left them with. I LEAVE AND THEY IMMEDIATELY BEGIN DOING IT THEIR WAY!
Ruston seems to be pretty close to the same although some construction projects have been finished and some new ones begun while away. BC keeps reminding me of how long I was gone. The really strange thing is I feel like in many ways it was a really short time and that all was on hold while in Erie. The world never stands still and life goes on-with or without us, but in our mind it all stopped. I am always surprised when I discover that everyone just kept going forward with their lives and time did not stand still.
I am cooking one of the recipes I discovered on line while in Erie. It calls for sweet Italian sausage. While we all thought it was delicious in Erie, where they are famous for their Italian sausage. Something tells me the "Jimmy Dean" EYE-TALIAN bulk sausage may not QUITE BE THE SAME! DUH-REALLY!
Sunday, May 10, 2009

To the Mother of My First Two Grands

Saturday, May 9, 2009
It's not like I didn't leave them prepared. In my normal OCD Style, we made meal plans for a week and I bought the groceries before I left. I guess they showed me!
What did I do while in Erie besides clean house, cook meals, do the laundry, and the shopping? Let me give you a few examples:
Cleaned the windows
Cleaned out the two mudrooms from their winter debris
Contacted the tree man and had a dead tree taken out
Cleaned out the kitchen cabinets and drawers
Had shelves made for the mudroom cabinet and turned it into a pantry
Talked with a contractor about insulated windows
Cleaned out the Fall & Winter limbs and leaves from the back yard and took an entire truck load to the recycle center
Weeded the front flower beds
Planted annuals in the front and back yards
Fertilized the grass
Transplanted "Forget me nots" in the backyard
Sprayed Round Up on the brick walk and patio
Painted the bathroom
I only had a couple of things on my list that I did not get finished. I told Adam I would send him a list.