Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I am normally apolitical-WELL actually I do not feel the need to be vocal about politics. That's what BC is for-he is PLENTY vocal-enough for the two of us. A news report this morning while trying to thaw out after my early morning-LONELY-run was enough to put my blood temperature to the boiling point.

President-Elect Obama's Treasury Secretary pick had a large outstanding tax balance from 2001-2004. It seems he is pleading "Ignorance" about the taxes being due. Now let's review this-you had income, but you did not pay the taxes on it. He had a lame excuse that he did not realize that this was self-employed income. OK-I will give him the benefit of the doubt-PERHAPS he was ignorant!

As a retired CPA, these are the facts that I do know. IF HE went to a CPA to prepare his taxes-that CPA KNEW beyond a shadow of doubt that he owed self employment taxes. So perhaps, Mr. Geithner is SO BRILLIANT that he files his own taxes with no professional help. Within a short period of time after filing his income tax returns, he DID receive a bill for the unpaid taxes. This all began in 2001, so he filed that return-even with extensions in 2002 and then by the LATEST he got a bill early 2003 for the unpaid taxes. Ditto for the next 3 years. The IRS, I AM SURE, ultimately sent a certified letter demanding payment. AND YET-HE DID NOT KNOW!

Mr. Geithner pays the taxes DAYS before the announcement of his appointment! HOW CONVENIENT! NOW WHAT HAS GOT ME GOING IS THIS MAN WILL BE IN CHARGE OF THE IRS! So the man IN CHARGE of coming after all of us if we fail to report any of our income, failed to pay his unpaid taxes-UNTIL IT MIGHT INTERFERE WITH HIS POLITICAL ASPIRATIONS!

I SMELL A RAT! I really thought the Obama administration would be above these kind of antics! NOW-I have my eye on our Louisiana Senators & Representatives. Elections will come around again-and I will NOT LET ANYONE within my sphere of influence forget their vote IF THEY APPROVE his nomination!

SHAME SHAME SHAME! Mr. Geithner owes it to President-elect Obama and his country to withdraw his nomination.

OK-I PROMISE I am off my soapbox!


Anonymous said...

No, no! It's not his fault! His former employer didn't pay his taxes. (that's his story) I don't think ANYONE, local, state, or federal should collect any government check if they don't pay their taxes! sales taxes, income taxes and property taxes
Sure is hard to breathe up here on my high horse! I'll get down.

Chrome Cowgirl

the Jennings secede from the South said...

Oooh, get 'em mom!

freakface said...

For once, you beat me to it (head down in shame). I just heard about this story this afternoon on Hannity, and I was more than a little shocked.

There's a lot more where this came from, so get ready...

By the way, thanks for the heads-up. I've been really, really busy the last couple of days.

Deb said...

Showing your hand...see, it isn't so bad is it?

Like I keep saying, "the whole world has gone INSANE!" Yes, he should withdraw, but he won't and nobody will try to stand in his way.

Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

They are ALL a bunch of crooks one way or another.