Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Somewhere along the way, some SMART doctor figured out that the way to limit the number of doctors was to name all diseases and conditions by names that are impossible to pronounce for the average layman. Why if all illnesses were called by short and sweet names such as "Cold" or "Flu", we could all be doctors. Well most of us know the correct term is "Influenza" and "Rhino Virus". How much could you charge for diagnosing a 3 or 4 letter illness? So you get the drift.

This spills over to mental health diagnosis also. We are not "Sad", we are clinically depressed. We are not crazy-we have a myriad of diagnosis that cover that 5 letter word. Back in the "Good Old Days", most of the modern day mental problems were called "Nervous Breakdowns". There was no PTSS or ADD or ADHD or OCD-just substitute any letters you like. You were either crazy or you had suffered a "Nervous Breakdown". In fairness to all of the psychiatrist out there, this field didn't really exist to any degree. The family doctor gave you a tranquilizer and sleeping pills if you were "Crazy" and put you to bed for a "Nervous Breakdown". My granddaddy had Alzheimer's, but during those days (really not that long ago), they told the family he was having "Small Strokes".

BC has always remarked that if the dentist would tell him he was having a "Butterfly" instead of a "ROOT CANAL" he could have handled it a lot better. Now the endodontist is performing an Apicoctomy. Now that has a daunting sound doesn't it?

So-long story short- (NO OFFENSE MEANT ADAM) if you have anything wrong with you good luck trying to pronounce what the condition is and good luck pronouncing the treatment or drug. These guy have got it figured out-charge by the letter and you double the fee when you go over 10 letters. PRETTY SMART!


Hannah Lee said...

Sweet Jackson is sick and going to the doctor today. I am pretty sure he has the crud but I bet it is going to be some virus called stephococallmengitogklsdjslkdfjl;a virus. I feel ya ;)

Jessica Stephenson said...

I know! I always end up mispronouncing what the doctor says, thankfully a quick google search always sets me straight.

the Jennings secede from the South said...

Oh, Mom...

I am excited to see what Adam says!