Thursday, January 8, 2009


I've got a news flash for all of you young women and maybe even the occasional man that reads this. I do not have it "All Together"! It seems when you look from the outside and casually observe my life (and others of my generation), you have gotten the impression that I have it all figured out and are able to leap tall buildings with a single bound. NOT so-NOT so at all-I AM NOT SUPERWOMAN!

It took YEARS of work to get to this point and even now I would like to run away at times, or at least run out the door screaming. In fact, one of my prescriptions for life, is an occasional good scream! REALLY-just step out the door and let it fly-it can actually feel good!

The pressure we all feel to "Perform" and give the world the appearance that all is "Fine" can be over-whelming. I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE! We are all caught up in appearances and trying to make everyone think, "I'm Fine". Meanwhile your rear muscles have a grasp on the chair that will cut off the blood supply to your legs and your teeth are so on edge that your jaw is aching.

So in short-all of you out there that think the older adults in your life have it all together-DON'T LET THEM FOOL YOU! After years of practice, they have just become adapt at making it all appear to be wonderful. We do not do a very good job of exposing our brokenness or pain-thus giving you the wrong impression. So do not sweat trying to live up to what is not! We are all coping and have learned the one source of comfort, but "Got it together"-I THINK NOT!


the Jennings secede from the South said...

So true...exposing our weaknesses and being vulnerable gives God room to be God and be glorified! It ain't's him!

Anonymous said...

true true and again true. I would tell you who I qm but you mqy not like me if I did so I'll keep beside this facade, make you think I am perfect H

Anonymous said...

I'm shocked! That reminds me of a time at a meeting with fellow state workers, and someone told my boss that I was so organized and together. When during the meeting I was sitting there with my pants unzipped! I just had to laugh at myself and think they really should be more observant!

I can't hear you scream from my house. Can you hear me?

Chrome Cowgirl

Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

Nah, really??? (sarcasm)

Deb said...

Many years ago I talked to a man who I thought had it all together, a CEO, and he told me he had lived his whole life fearful that someone would find out he didn't know a darn thing. I was floored.