BC has gone to Atlanta for a business meeting which means I am home alone. My friend, Helen, asked me tonight if I was afraid. I laughed and told her that I was too mean for anyone to mess with-so No I am not afraid. Being on your own, while a little lonely, does have it's advantages. I tend to go into overdrive when Bobby is out of town. When he is here, I always try to be with him when he is home. We enjoy each other's company and spend the evenings catching up on the day, discussing current events, and watching television together. We lead busy lives so many evenings are busy away from home. We cherish the time at home together.
I digress from the subject at hand. Today I started the day with a little neighborly duty. Our next door neighbors are at the beach, so this week I am picking up papers, feeding the dog & watering a kazillion plants. She has quite the green thumb. I have been to the nursery and planted today's purchases. I weeded a flower bed and dug up a lantana from the deep red clay. I blew off all the porches, decks and drives and picked up sticks. I went to town and brought a present. I have overseen the tile backsplash being laid. I went to a birthday party/graduation party/farewell party for sweet little Melanie Stone. To end the evening I went by the hospital to visit with Dale and Helen. I am watching my weekly dose of "Gray's Anatomy" and then plan to catch up on some reading.
When Bobby calls tonight after his meeting and before bed time, he will say,"What have you been doing today?" My pat answer is always, "Not much."
I sorta miss being home at times. Somedays I don't want any noise at all...no matter what it is. I have had my fill...and I am in the library! haha But I do like having Jim home when I come home...he and Sophie are always waiting at the door! It is nice to be missed.
I am going to the beach tomorrow....would you like to water my herbs and clean out my cat boxes while I am gone???? I need your for a neighbor.
Would water & tend for any neighbor-including a blogging neighbor. The commute might be a bit much though! I LOVE THE BEACH!v
How come I have never noticed that that Creepy Michael Jackson was looking out of that window?
Did you edge?
NY Yankee Fan (still)
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