Tuesday, May 6, 2008


The Conville's are boasting a new family member, "Big Sugar". The boys went to the local pet store on "Adopt A Dog Day" and found the above cutey. They had 2 dogs and 2 cats before moving to Austin. The dogs did not come to Austin and were actually not the boys' pet. The cats met the fate of all our pets and the Conville's found themselves pet less. With a new house and a fenced yard, it was time to pick out a new family member. Big Sugar is a Great Pyrenees and is a BIG dog. He is really friendly and loves to play, but he also has the personality of a cat. When he doesn't want to interact, he ignores you. They are hard to train and shed -well let's just say, if you go for a visit wear white. This particular breed of dog are used as herders. It is quite comical to see him herding the boys around the yard. Sugar could stand a little training, but Scott says they are going to tend to that. He will be a formidable watch dog. I am not sure if he would ever bite anyone, but the bark would be enough to scare away any stranger.

Until the last few years, we always had pets. There was always a dog around and we also had cats. I loved them all! I have cried many a tear over loosing a pet. For some reason, the care of the pets usually fell to me. Bobby would help, if I asked him to feed, etc., but the primary care giver was always me. I have a very soft heart when it comes to my pets. I like the cats, but I am a true dog person. As a young girl, we always had a dog and the trend continued throughout the years. After Lucky Girl moved to the country, I decided no more dogs. It is too easy to climb into the car and take a trip without the responsibility of caring for the dog. I know this sounds selfish, but with kids spread out all over the country, I like the flexibility!

Anytime I get the "I want a dog feeling", I just slap myself and keep on trucking. I will be satisfied to enjoy my "Granddogs" Powers & Big Sugar.


Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

Dogs are just like children.....admiring them from afar is best. Power's is very cool BECAUSE he lives 1000000 miles away. He wouldn't be soooo coool if you had to feed him, burp him and change him everyday.....

the Jennings secede from the South said...

That's true! Powers does go through a lot of diapers...

The granddogs love you.

Brooke & Freeland said...

cute little pups! Sad to hear about the other animals - Cam told me all about them when they moved to Austin. Glad they have a new family member!!

Deb said...

These are my favorite kind of dog. Josh's first dog, Jake, was half great pyrenees and half wolf or some wild critter....we gave Jake away when we left Illinois for a warmer climate. Sooo traumatic..I still dream about him.