We are in Austin with Scott & family & Gabe for Scott's 40th Birthday celebration. HOW COULD I BE OLD ENOUGH TO HAVE A SON 40?????? I look at him today and think of him still as a young man-My # 1 Son. WOW-the years have flown by. We don't usually come to Texas as often as we have this Spring-but you only turn 40 once and I wouldn't want to miss that special day.
We drove to Natchitoches early this AM for Bobby to attend to some business and then came "The Back Way" to Austin. I really enjoy this beautiful drive. You pass through mile upon mile of ranches or as we would say in Louisiana farms. Cattle dot hot after hill and the corn is about a foot tall now. Green pastures and long stretches of "Davy Crockett National Forest". It is quite a beautiful and rural drive. After a few hours of driving through the rural stretches of Texas and seeing very little population-all of a sudden-you are in Round Rock and the business of "The Big City". TEXAS IS A BIG STATE!
We cooked in the outdoor kitchen and enjoyed fellowship on their wonderful deck. The only thing missing is "Little Sister" and hubby to make the circle complete. It is late and I have an early date for breakfast with 2 really cute boys. Tomorrow I will write about the day that Scott was born. It is as fresh in my memory as if it happened yesterday. He has been a blessing for me since the day he was born & I am thankful.
Awww, I wish we were there! Have a great time! Kiss those boys for me!
Happy Bday Scott!
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