Sunday, March 16, 2008


My sweet niece, Adrian, made a comment on Camille's blog recently about her boring life. Her sister, Ann, has often also said she reads our blogs because her life is boring. I BEG TO DIFFER! How can raising children EVER be boring????? Both sisters have 2 little ones, and when I say little-I mean no one is old enough for school yet. They definitely have their hands full! To top that off, they both are career women! Ann is a pharmaceutical rep and Adrian is a social worker at the Children's Home. So in a nut shell, let's count the hats they wear-Wife; Mother; Housekeeper;Laundress; Cook; Social, Education & Medical Director for their 2 children; Career Woman; & Excellent Niece. This is the stage of life that I call-SUPER WOMAN YEARS! I have actually walked in their shoes and while I have several descriptive words for those times, none of them every included BORED! They have my deepest and most profound admiration for keeping all of those balls in the air.

For a long time, I would reflect upon my life and think, I have not done anything great. I will not leave a mark on the world. My life is not important, by the world's standards. Recently, God gave me a wonderful insight into my life. I have made a wonderful contribution to the world. I have raised 3 wonderful children! There is nothing more important than that! My kids are kind, loving, generous, sweet, and responsible members of society. My kids are compassionate and concerned for their fellow man. They are good friends, good siblings, good daddy's & Aunts & Uncles, good children, and good citizens. In these days and times, I would say that is quite an accomplishment!

So Ann & Adrian and all the other Mothers and Daddies out in Blogging Land, your life is not boring and you are currently doing the most important job in the world. You are raising your precious and sweet children! Boring-I don't think so, but rather the most exciting life one can have.


Deb said...

No, it is never boring with kids around! Wait until they all have their posse with them...haha. I worked 8-5 until Josh was 6 and that was tough with ONE...thank the Lord for crock pots!!! I am in total awe of these Moms who do it all...and many do it all without much help.

Ann Miller said...

Adrian and I are both sooo lucky to have wonderful husbands, and, to have had amazing examples of what it means to be mommies, daddies, ect. There is no way I could do what I do without Steve. He does more than many daddies I know. And, since you can't choose your blessings, we just do what we have to do. Often, that means digging thru clean, unfolded laundry for underwear. There must be worse things!!!
You and Bobby are really wonderful examples for your own children. Not just parenting, but, a longlasting, loving marriage!! Now, that is rare!!

adrian seney said...

I think Ann sumnmed it up! What sweet things to say. I, too, have a wonderful husband -- he cooks dinner every night. As I sit here playing on the internet he is at the grocery store.

BTW, I feel sorta famous having been mentioned in your blog!!!

Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

I only wish MORE people thought raising children is the most important job in the world. What better contribution you can give to society is a human being that can actually FUNCTION. AMEN TO ALL OF THAT IN YOUR BLOG!

Hannah Lee said...

Thanks for the comments. I never knew my heart could swell with love to the size it is now. My cup runneth over.

Mother Goose said...

I'm sorry you are sick. I just started reading your blog. Then I got caught up with Camille's life. Thanks for sharing!