Monday, March 3, 2008


It only took me a weekend in the cold North to realize-"If you live in the frozen North, you must embrace the winter." I quickly decided I would love cross country skiing, would love to try ice skating, enjoy walks in the snow, and would love to have gone sledding. If you are going to survive in this kind of climate-you must adapt!

We left Erie this morning in the 50's and came home to discover that it is actually cooler here than there. Their weather changes again tomorrow and winter returns with a roar, but for today it was nice. Camille reported she and her friend went for a walk after work today and made the most of it. When flying home today, we flew over the lake and it is truly amazing to see all of that ice on a huge lake!

I don't realize how much I miss Camille and Adam until I get a good dose of being with them. It leaves me a little sad that they are so far away. They are wonderful together and very fun loving. We watched Camille doing hand stands in the living room, breaking out in a dance, and many other spontaneous and fun things all weekend. Adam just shakes his head and laughs at her. They are a sweet couple and have done an excellent job of "Leaving & Cleaving" which is what makes for a good marriage. These years in Erie will be an adventure and teach them to rely upon each other and grow as a couple. Life is indeed good for "The Jennings"! I will get back in my routine and my busyness will help take care of those sad feelings!

Thanks to Erie for a PERFECT weekend & Hello to Louisiana-THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME!


Deb said...

I know exactly how you need a puppy...makes everything all better...they can lick your face and make it all better. :-)

Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

We woke up to SNOW here this morning.

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday Mr. Bobby! I wish I could have travled in your suitcase to visit Cam & Adam- I miss them a lot too!! It is really fun to hear about your trip and imagine all the snow. :)

kjds said...

They are good ones! I love those two! Camille is a wonderful wife - she is always ready with wisdom to give out!

I am excited about our find at Goodwill - I even saved some popcorn from last night to bring with me to work this morning!