Thursday, March 20, 2008


One thing I have definitely caught up with this week is my movie watching. I just watched a "sleeper" called "The Dish". This is an Australian movie concerning their part in beaming back the signal from Apollo when Neil Armstrong took his first step on the moon in 1969. This was definitely "my kind of movie"! I tend to love English movies anyway-a touch of irony-a twisted humor- in general - an odd way of looking at things. This movie is well done and helped me relive those historical days. If you don't need blood & guts-non-ending excitement-immoral activities, then you might enjoy this movie.

While watching the movie, I was taken back to the day in time that I watched the walk on the moon. I thought of the huge swelling of pride we all felt at this monumental event. At the time, it was beyond comprehension that a man would actually not only travel in space, but also take steps on the moon. It was all quite remarkable!

Bobby's Grandmother Best never believed that man walked on the moon. She instead thought it was all a Hollywood trick on the entire world. She declared that this could not have ever happened! She did believe the "Championship Wrestling" was all real. OK-we have Grandmother Best, who when she straightened up to her full height-fit nicely up under my armpit, who also never had a problem standing up to anyone that invaded her turf. She was widowed when Bobby's mother was a girl. Somehow, someway, she still managed to raise her children and meet their needs. She was known to brandish a firearm and threaten bodily harm if she felt in danger. Quite the feisty "Little Woman" On the softer side she baked a WONDERFUL chocolate pie!

We were going to leave for Austin this afternoon, but after another night of coughing, we put it off. If tonight is better-then we will leave early tomorrow. I need a visit with "The Grands"! The Easter Bunny sent a few things to Ruston to take to them. Hopefully Bobby, Sweetie, & I will hit the road early tomorrow.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Jim and I are laughing about Bobbie's grandmother not thinking we went to the moon but still believeing championship wrestling! hahaha That really is a hoot, but typical. If my grandparents would have lived they would have probably thought the same thing. My grandfather sure loved that dang wrestling!