Friday, March 7, 2008


WHAT IN THE WORLD! Mother Nature obviously lost her GPS and made a wrong turn with her snow and sleet. We had quite a snow mid morning until just after lunch and then it began to rain. It was never below freezing, so the snow life was short. I enjoyed sitting by the fire and watching it come down while it lasted.
After a few days in a truly cold place, we had a good laugh at how everyone goes into shut down mode here when anything white begins to fall. School is dismissed early and on and on even though there is no frozen roadways. For the most part the only closures you see are governmental institutions. What does that tell you? I have a theory, but will not share for fear of stepping on toes.
Babs & I ran our 10 miles early to make sure we were not out in the wet. It was actually great, until we turned back and headed north. The wind was SO COLD! Not too many more days of this kind of weather, after all the azeleas are beginning to bloom. SPRING-OH MOTHER NATURE- IT IS TIME FOR SPRING!


Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

We got 3 inches.....they shut everything down last night before it even snowed. HELLO??? 3 inches is nuttin'. My kids went out and made "footpips" in the snow. It made their day.

Deb said...

You wouldn't step on my toes, but I think the reason they close is for fear the buses will have over pass problems. Up north we rarely saw schools close, but we had constant salt and sand dusting and experience driving it. I remember not being able to get over the mt. to my job cuz of ice and I was the only one that didn't get to school, but also was the only one who lived on the other side of this particular mt....I was made to feel terrible by the principal, but I risked my life to get there and spent so much time trying to back down this mt... to get home. I literally couldn't get my car over the top of the hill....It was scary!!! It was just me and the log trucks braving it. Don't miss that torture and I feel thankful I made it home alive!