Thursday, March 6, 2008


I will not be referring to myself as old anymore! The "New" term will be "Seasoned"! We got an email from BRUTHER Len at church today about a new program they are kicking around to try. The idea behind the concept is a sort of "support group" for married couples. The email was to 8 couples in the church that will serve as "facilitators" for the program. When I glanced over the list of couples, I noticed that we were BY FAR the oldest-in fact-the only 2 with an empty nest. Then upon further reading I discovered they were trying to get a representative from all stages of marriage including "THE SEASONED". Well this is certainly an interesting way to say OLD!

When running errands this AM, I passed this 18 wheeler. This gives new meaning to "back breaking". I couldn't figure out what in the world caused the middle part of the trailer to collapse, but it was quite the sight to see.

After Babs & I walked 5 miles this AM, I spent a few hours in the yard. Made good progress on cleaning out the piles of leaves in the beds. Thankfully my trusty "stick boy", Mitch came and helped. We are about half way through and then the work of planting and restrawing will begin. You should have seen the lady's face in Erie when we went to the Nursery and I asked her for straw to put in the beds. It seems there are not pine forests in the frozen north and thus no straw for sale. They put bark in their beds. HUMMMM!

Note to Yankee Transplant-As for the problem of Antz in the South, you need to go to your local nursery or feed store and ask for a poison to kill them. You just put this on top of the ant piles and they are take it back inside and it kills the entire colony. Our ants have a ferocious bite and you want to stay out of their path. Once it begins to warm and consistently stay warm during the day, the mosquitoes will begin to get bad. Usually they are not bad in the heat of the day, it is early in the AM and late in the evening when they are the worst. I keep a bottle of Cutter's by the door and spray each and every time I am going to be outside for a while. Since we have "West Nile Virus" in the area, you have to be careful.

I was talking with a fellow runner today and he told me he had been on a trail run down the high line today. He said he had to jump over "Jake" several times during the few miles. I asked him was Jake lethargic and he replied I didn't slow down to ask! HA HA HA


Deb said...

I always look at the pics and make up my own story...I thought you ran with a camera...tried to imagine running and taking pics at the same time.
We still don't use pine straw in our seem to do ok. We used white marble rocks when we were up they don't keep in the moisture but they looked pretty around the bushes.

Jumping over Jake?

Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

I notice tho when poisoning the antz, they just pick up and move 5 feet to the left or right, they don't go away. I want them to GO AWAY. To leave the yard...period.

Our neighbors next door spread pine needles all through their beds...what is up with that??? I was watching her like she was a freak show.

seasoned is always better than the alternative. 6ft.under.

Lora said...

You need to get the right poison-we use Spectracide. A "reputable" nursery should be able to give you the right stuff. You are correct some do lead to just moving down the street. The pine straw keeps the beds moist and protects the roots when we get freezes. You really need to put something in the beds to keep the water from evaportating so fast in the heat.