Monday, January 21, 2008


I had my weekly long chat with Camille today and I seem to have hit a nerve with my post about her junior high years. There are no adequate words to describe how wonderful Camille is today, but she seems to have a little memory loss. We are all sinful man and tend to rationalize our behavior and reality dims with time. The thing that kept me going during those trying years was I knew that she was having a tough time as all beginning teens do. That sweet spirit that is ever evident today was just below the surface, bubbling trying to surface. Junior high years are really TOUGH years and girls, ESPECIALLY can be so vicious. I can remember being so angry with some of the girls that I could have pinched their little heads off. This is all part of growing up and our job was to direct, support, and love Camille, knowing "This too shall pass." She learned, she grew, she endured, and she came out the other side of the 7th and 8th grade a sweet and precious daughter. Anyone who tells you they would like to go back and relive those years must have had their heads stuck in the sand or they are permanently citizens of "La La Land". IT WAS NOT FUN!

My friend, Debbie, is a teacher at the junior high school. I cannot imagine! Truly a "Mission Field"! NO THANK YOU!

When I spoke with Camille, I asked her how much it had snowed in Erie. Ever a Conville, who are prone to exaggeration, she said at least a foot. Now maybe it has snowed a foot, but a foot of snow in a couple of days is beyond a Southerners imagination. We are planning a trip to Erie. I want to see that frozen lake with the old men out on it fishing! I am impressed when our fountains freeze, so an entire lake will truly blow me away!

Debbie has asked me to write a story about chaperoning the junior high dances. I think I have hit enough raw nerves, so I will pass on writing a story. Suffice it to say that when Camille found I had volunteered her parents to chaperon the dances at the school-SHE WAS MORTIFIED! The most vivid memory I have of that event does not involve Camille. It seems that some of the dancers were very inappropriate in the manner they danced and where they chose to put their hands while dancing. I AM CERTAIN, Poor Camille got plenty of grief the Monday after the dances. I took it as my personal mission to confront each and every offender. THANK THE GOOD LORD the dances were only a couple of hours long. I was shell shocked when they ended and needed to go home and to bed! Now I was no "Saint Lora" when growing up, but I would have never acted like that in front of ANY adult and I sure would not have defied them to their face. Oh-times have changed!

It has been a wonderful 3 day weekend, although BC has worked this afternoon. Nothing better than being with my BEST boyfriend for 3 days. Thank you, Dr. King for the holiday. I am ready and willing to celebrate any birthday with a holiday-just give me a call!


Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

Girls are hideous teens and you are very lucky your daughter turned out....trying to raise a functioning citizen that is caring in todays society is truly a challenge but then again most parents don't want to be parents, they want to be bf's...

i think it did snow a foot in Erie as my parents concurred this info yesterday....and I don't believe the lake has frozen over yet this year... i had asked my dad that yesterday and he stated he did not think so because they have been getting mucho lake effect snow and you don't get lake effect snow if the lake is frozen.

I was a mean nasty know it all teenage girl....that is why I am glad I have all boys...I definately would not have wanted to raise one of "me". heheheh

Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember that dance....I too was mortified and still see some of those girls. I think they still are mad at me. ...Josh and Camille were in 7th grade and it was the 8h graders (as usual) who were pushing the envelope. Man! I have not volunteered to do that again. I always am open to it if nobody else wants to do it, but as long as the slots are filled I lay low. Jim never would do that. I remember Josh asking me why we had to go to these things. I told him I was going cuz he wanted to go and he informed me that NO, he was just going cuz he thought I wanted to go. INSANE. The only time he ever danced was a slow song or YMCA. hahaaa.. so we put an end to all of that.

When you go to Erie drive down to the "Bo-Bo" (Edinboro) and drive around the campus and have a burger and give me a report. Our hang out was "The Hotel" and I lived down town within walking distance...not good. That is where we get all that great lake effect could get deep and DRIFT! We loved it when the doors were covered and we couldn't go to class.