Monday, January 28, 2008


After a cold 34 degree run this AM, it has warmed up to the point that you think Spring is coming. That's what happens here in Louisiana. We have these blasts of winter-not terrible winter like in Pennsylvania-but cold damp Louisiana winter. Our temperature seems to hover at the just above freezing level most days, during our cold snaps, which keeps away the winter precipitation, but allows for bone chilling cold. We have had a string of those days lately, but today-AH SPRING LIKE WEATHER. It was in the upper 50's and low 60's mid afternoon. It gives me the bug to get out in the yard and my hands in the dirt. OH-but I know what is just around the corner-more cold-damp weather My head knows it is too early to start my Spring yard work, but my heart is so anxious to get out of this house and back outside. In a act of desperation to take my mind off of being outdoors, I cleaned out the refrigerator today. I am happy to report that I found enough mold to supply us with anti-biotics for the foreseeable future. I am not sure why those left overs get left so long. I should have learned by now that after a couple at the most three times, THAT IS IT! Just chunk what is left. When we had a dog, it wasn't the problem that it is today. Lucky Girl was the lucky recipient of left overs ( I KNOW NOT GOOD FOR THE DOG-BUT SHE LOVED THEM SO)!

You do know that Camille is up there near to "THE REAL GROUNDHOG-Phil". They have a web site - You can learn all about the festival, etc which I believe is this coming weekend. I know she is anxious to find out how much more winter they will have. When I spoke with her today, she told me that the Bay of Lake Erie is frozen with about 2 1/2 inches of ice, but the entire lake is not frozen. That level of ice is not enough to walk on, so there are no fishermen out on it. They have seemingly had a relatively mild winter. Her comments on her snow blog do say they are about normal for snowfall. She said the temperature is milder today and tomorrow, but Wednesday more snow showers. Even though the temperature gets above freezing during the day, the snow doe not melt. The frozen ground with snow on top must provide a insulating quality. As she would say, ANYWHOS, we are waiting with breath held to see what Phil has to say!

We are back in our training routine as of yesterday. Went on a 5 mile walk yesterday and got up early for a 5 mile run this AM. Babs thinks we need to work on our speed. SHE JUST ABOUT KILLED ME TODAY! Hey-what's wrong with slow! I have decided no Yoga for me, I will be back in the weight room tomorrow and then if it is not raining another walk.

I seem to be having a period of "Writer's Block". THE PRESSURE- OH THE PRESSURE!
Challenge me with a subject to write about! I need help. The fresh ideas seem to be buried in the back of my brain currently, along with mounds upon mounds of important facts. I prefer trivia to be at my fingertips. Wouldn't want to clutter up all that trivia with anything important!

1 comment:

Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

You need a teenager for those leftovers.......i will send you for CHEAP. When our son is here we have NO leftovers....when he goes somewhere for a weekend or a week it looks as if no one has eaten a thing out of our fridge. I DESPISE leftovers....I can't eat the same thing twice in a row. I know there are people in the world starving that would love my leftovers....if I was starving I would love them too, but I am not so I don't. When my mom visits her quote is always "I could LIVE off of your leftovers" yourself mom, help yourself.