My first encounter with Dale was in my mid-twenties. I knew who he was from the bank that I had worked in. I had at long last conquered my fear of needles and girded myself to withstand Momma's wrath and disapproval and decided to have my ears pierced. It made good sense to me to have a doctor to do the deed since I wanted no infection and I wanted it done correctly. I was quite nervous that day when I sat in his exam room waiting for the good doctor to enter. When he finally came through that door, he looked at me and said, "What can I do for you today." I bravely told him that I wanted him to pierce my ears. Without so much as a blink, he shot back, "Why don't we do your nose too while we are at it." My first introduction to the infamous Boersma humor! One ear is pierced higher than the other. I wouldn't change it for the world for you see every time I look in the mirror I am reminded of Dale and that first meeting.
My next encounter came when he contracted with me to do his accounting and tax work. I didn't see anything of Dale during the year. His efficient and capable office manager and I did all the ground work. Then came the final touch of tax preparation every year. IMAGINE MY CHAGRIN when I determined that he considered doctoring more important than the preparation of his taxes. He would INVARIABLY stroll into my office on the AFTERNOON of April 15th with his little pile and give me that little slight grin as I glared across the desk. By April 15th of every year, I was out of steam and short of temper, but he never acknowledged my shortness nor did anything but treat me with the utmost respect and kindness. He reminded me MANY years later at a small group meeting one night when I announced that I never got angry that he had definitely seen me angry. He was correct, as always.
God in his perfect timing placed us together one more time after all of our other relationships had ended. We were in Church Small Group together-first as members, then as co-leaders and finally as his leader. What a joy and privilege it was to serve the Body, grow in Christ, and fellowship with he and Helen. Dale had the marvelous ability of putting my teeth on edge when he would challenge my theology. I spent many an hour pouring over scripture to prove him wrong. The right or wrong never really mattered, Dale had accomplished what he wanted all along-he had me studying. No matter what the circumstances or what the need, we could count on Dale and Helen to be right in the middle of any ministry opportunity-even mowing the church yard. One important point that Dale & I would often voice in agreement, that none of us could ever really fathom the greatness and complexity of Our God.
And so Dale has left us, but he lives on in our minds and our hearts. He has touched many many lives and we will be reminded of him in countless ways in the days to come. I am blessed and thankful beyond words that God drew our lives together and I had the privilege of laboring alongside of a Great Man of God.
He is now "Resting in the Bosom of Jesus." AMEN!