One of my favorite things to do is "People Watch". I love observing fellow travelers in the world around us. This weekend I spent a lot of time observing the Grands' dogs. Here they are in all of their glory Big Sugar, a Great Pyrenees and Henri, a dachshund-the Mutt & Jeff of the dog world.
Henry does not seem to understand that he is a little dog or that Big Sugar could take him out of the picture in one swift second. Henry is the most aggressive of the two and only admits his height and size difference when it brings him the advantage over Big Sug. I spent a lot of time watching them "play" and laughing while visiting the grands.

This started me to thinking about the Napoleon Complex of the Short Man Syndrome. There is a school of thought that short men become aggressive due to their size, in an effort to assert their dominance in a taller society. Named for the notorious ruler, Napoleon, I found this interesting article on the net about the misconception about Napoleon's actual size:
Napoleon complexBritish propaganda of the time depicted Napoleon as of smaller than average height and the image of him as a small man persists. However, confusion about his height has arisen as the French inch of the time equalled 2.7 centimetres, whilst the Imperial inch is 2.54 centimetres.[110] According to contemporary sources, he in fact grew to just under 1.7 m, around average height for a Frenchman at the time.[111][note 24] Napoleon's nickname of le petit caporal has added to the confusion, as non-Francophones have mistakenly interpreted petit as its literal meaning of "small". In fact, it is an affectionate term reflecting on his camaraderie with ordinary soldiers.[note 25] Whether truly short or not, Napoleon's name has been lent to the Napoleon complex, a colloquial term describing a type of inferiority complex. WIKIPEDIABC is not a tall man in statute, but I have never known a taller man when it came to being a real man. He is my hero, my rescuer, and the man of my dreams. I never think about how tall he is or isn't. If I need something up high, he knows how to climb the ladder and he has always been my staunchest defender-taking on painter, carpenters, yard men, you name it-he comes to my rescue and makes sure I am not mis-done. While certainly an extrovert, he is not aggressive toward others and never a bully-well except for maybe political discussions. (That is another subject). A kind and generous man-I don't think he ever feels the need to compensate when around others of greater height.
Henry consider Big Sug his playmate. To pursue his friend, he has to leap straight up in the air, but that he does. He grabs for jowls, ears, tail, anything sticking down far enough to grab onto and starts the game. Big Sug is a gentle giant, but almost always lets Henry get the best of him. Henry has learned that when he has pushed too far-he can just run under the coffee table or anything else lower than a small horse and get away from Sug. Henry has also figured out that he can just get up under Sug and attack from that vangate point and Sug can not get to him, as shown below. It is quite the sight to behold.

You will note in the picture below that Henry's entire paw is inside Sug's mouth, yet he seems unaware and is going in for the kill. Occasionally you see Sug pick Henry all the way up off the ground and start to walk off with him. The humans always come to Henry's rescue then. I know Sugar wonders why in the world no one ever says anything when the little dickens is hanging on to his jowls and biting away. Henry doesn't realize how small he is, but Sugar does not realize how big he is.

Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if we all focused on each other's personalities and became unaware of the physical traits we all possess. How great would the world be if we only looked into the eyes of each other and searched for the hearts and souls instead of the outer man? Sadly I don't think this will ever be-but for now I will continue to watch and wonder about those that I pass on my journey through this world. How big are you?