Monday, March 31, 2008

Sunday, March 30, 2008
In case all of you young moms and dads think this will be the case someday, THINK AGAIN! Those days of "In the trench" parenting are over-but the worrying-well I don't think the worrying is ever over! Even those kids that are approaching "Middle Age" are still on the radar. You are concerned about the economy, their jobs, the dangerous society we are surrounded by, the cost of educating their children . . . . . . . . . the list can go on and on.
We and some of our peers have children that are floating around trying to figure out what they want to do with their lives. This is difficult for us to understand as need was the "Mother of Necessity" when working was concerned. We wanted good jobs and aspired to good jobs but bottom line was-we did not have the luxury of not working. I am not crying in my mug nor complaining, for I feel like I am the better person for this. We desire for our kids to have jobs that they love, but also understand looking back that there are no perfect jobs; just as there are no perfect people, there are also no perfect jobs.
Bobby & I both feel like our parents did not worry about us, our kids, our jobs, our future, or any other pertinent subject. They felt like they had done their job and had us raised and then we were on our own. Perhaps worrying about adult children is a generational thing, beginning with our generation. I really don't have an explanation except to say that things are very different now.
My friend, Barbara sent me an interesting article about this subject today which was the incentive for this post. Check it out and see what you think:
I did not agree with everything the article said and definitely have no designs for our children taking care of us in the future. We used to kid Camille and tell her that we had her late in life so she could take care of us in our old age. That is certainly not our plan and we pray that we never need their help. Independence is the desire of each and every person that I know. The article does give me some comfort in knowing that I am not the only person worrying about their children.
I believe there is a scripture that states you don't add anything to your life by worrying. This is certainly "The Truth", but turning off worrying can sometimes be as difficult as turning off breathing.
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Friday, March 28, 2008

HEY, PICK ME!!!!!!!!!!
Look carefully at the picture and on top of the birdhouse. I had a "Looker" today and hopefully he will bring his "Mrs." back and set up residence. I love to have a bird family and watch them sitting on the nest, feeding the young & then teaching the babies to fly. This is right in my front yard, so I can take in all of the action.
What is the deal with these computers? I had it all down-how to edit my pictures. All of a sudden-one day-that program is gone and another-THAT I HATE-has taken its place. I try to publish pictures to my blog and they just disappear-OUT FLOATING AROUND IN CYBERSPACE SOMEWHERE. I know just enough to be dangerous. My technical advisor is my younger brother, Noel-"The Computer Guru". I would call and ask him, but then I would get that snort of laughter and smirk of disdain over his "Idiot-Technically Challenged Sister". I only call and subject myself to that when I can't get the computer to come on or work-in other words-"Totally Desperate". I tried down loading another editing program-you don't even want to know about that fiasco! I will just keep on trying and maybe someday I will chance open that editing program that I loved!
Big Kitchen remodeling starting in 1 week. I am cleaning out and boxing up. You have to get everything out to replace what is there. I am excited-NEW FROM THE CEILING DOWN. How exciting is that-even worth a couple or three weeks without a kitchen!
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Trees in full bloom!

Peach Orchard

A Promise of DELICIOUS Summer Peaches!

Up-close Peach Tree Blooms

Dogwood Tree in Full Bloom!
Friday, March 21, 2008
We didn't make it to Texas. More low grade fever early this AM. I have diagnosed myself with bronchitis. Between Musinex and Robitussin, we are breaking the congestion up. The only bad thing is I have just about coughed a lung up too. That which doesn't kill us, makes us stronger-or some such line of BULL!
Bobby is off today and we have enjoyed a day of March Madness. I am not much of a television sports fan, except for March Madness and Tennis. We have seen some great basketball today. Bobby does not have too many uncommitted days that he can totally chill and unwind. He needs those days since he is a hard worker in a very stressful job.
I am sad to not be with "The Boys" Sunday when the Easter Bunny visits. This will also be the first Easter ever that we have not been with Camille. WELL, I will have to work hard to not be sad this weekend. There's nothing like a "drug haze" to numb those emotions!
Camille & Easter reminds me of the time that Mr. Track gave Camille a rabbit. When someone gives you a rabbit, the cage, and the food, it is difficult to tell your daughter NO. The rabbit is fine, until Bobby leaves for a work trip. I hear all of the dogs in the neighborhood at 2 AM going crazy. I go outside and find them all trying to get Mr. Bunny, including our dog. I get the water hose and turn the water on them. Our lab thinks this is great fun and makes the game of Chase the Bunny even more fun. Finally in desperation, I bring the rabbit into the house and put her in the kitchen. I close the doors and go back to bed to try and get some sleep before work the next day. The next morning, when I open the kitchen door, -------------Well let's just say that Mr. Bunny ate lots of roughage. I solve the problem by putting the rabbit's cage in the treehouse which can only be gotten to by climbing the narrow ladder.
There comes the time that Camille loses interest in Mr. Bunny. Being the softie when it comes to my daughter and also getting sick and tired of having to nag her, Bobby begins feeding the rabbit every morning. If you know Bobby, you know he is fastidious about his dress. To keep from getting dirty or wrinkled, he would climb the treehouse in his underwear to feed the rabbit every morning. ONE OF MY BIGGEST REGRETS IN LIFE, is that I never made a picture of that cute sight. OH CAMILLE------YOU OWE YOUR DADDY BIG TIME!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
While watching the movie, I was taken back to the day in time that I watched the walk on the moon. I thought of the huge swelling of pride we all felt at this monumental event. At the time, it was beyond comprehension that a man would actually not only travel in space, but also take steps on the moon. It was all quite remarkable!
Bobby's Grandmother Best never believed that man walked on the moon. She instead thought it was all a Hollywood trick on the entire world. She declared that this could not have ever happened! She did believe the "Championship Wrestling" was all real. OK-we have Grandmother Best, who when she straightened up to her full height-fit nicely up under my armpit, who also never had a problem standing up to anyone that invaded her turf. She was widowed when Bobby's mother was a girl. Somehow, someway, she still managed to raise her children and meet their needs. She was known to brandish a firearm and threaten bodily harm if she felt in danger. Quite the feisty "Little Woman" On the softer side she baked a WONDERFUL chocolate pie!
We were going to leave for Austin this afternoon, but after another night of coughing, we put it off. If tonight is better-then we will leave early tomorrow. I need a visit with "The Grands"! The Easter Bunny sent a few things to Ruston to take to them. Hopefully Bobby, Sweetie, & I will hit the road early tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
While clinging to the couch and trying not to move too much, I thought of the times when I was a very young girl that I got sick. Back in the good old days, the doctor made housecalls. CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE! He made his appointed rounds with his large black bag. Many times it would be late in the evening before he would come, which meant he had a very long day. The small town GP, while held in very high esteem in the community, also probably worked as hard, if not harder than anyone in the area. The typical remedy, at the time, was the miracle drug of penicillin-no pills-no liquids-A SHOT IN THE REAR! To this day, I have to sike myself up for needles. They didn't know then, since it was relatively new, that overuse of the wonder drug, would also lead to an allergic reaction to it. I have had just such a reaction, but not a severe reaction. Bobby actually went into shock from the same reaction and ended up with a stay in the hospital. This could be the reason I tend to "doctor" myself now and try to get over things without a visit. Most of the time, it is a virus anyway and the anti-biotics do a virus no good.
I have peers that were actually delivered at home during those days. We have once again made the full circle and some are opting for home deliveries today. I CAN'T IMAGINE WHY-but that is their choice. It's pretty hard to believe that they had home deliveries, since Momma's tale was quite different. I believe she told me you stayed in the hospital for a week or two when you delivered and then stayed in the bed a full month. HOW IN THE WORLD did anyone have time to do that???? I personally prescribe to THE GOOD EARTH philosophy of having that baby and keeping right on going! That is another day and another blog.
Tomorrow is the first day of Spring. OH JOY! I plan to enjoy each and every minute of the promise that Spring brings with it. My azaleas are in full bloom and the trees have all begun to have their leaf buds open up. OH YES-MOTHER NATURE has come through again-Spring has Sprung!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
For a long time, I would reflect upon my life and think, I have not done anything great. I will not leave a mark on the world. My life is not important, by the world's standards. Recently, God gave me a wonderful insight into my life. I have made a wonderful contribution to the world. I have raised 3 wonderful children! There is nothing more important than that! My kids are kind, loving, generous, sweet, and responsible members of society. My kids are compassionate and concerned for their fellow man. They are good friends, good siblings, good daddy's & Aunts & Uncles, good children, and good citizens. In these days and times, I would say that is quite an accomplishment!
So Ann & Adrian and all the other Mothers and Daddies out in Blogging Land, your life is not boring and you are currently doing the most important job in the world. You are raising your precious and sweet children! Boring-I don't think so, but rather the most exciting life one can have.
Saturday, March 15, 2008

Friday, March 14, 2008
WELL, HAIL!!!!!!!!

Across the street Pear trees in full bloom.
Thursday, March 13, 2008

While cleaning out the beds I found a big wad of red wasps beginning to build a nest. The only thing I enjoy hunting and killing are the same red wasps. I am deadly from as much as 30 feet when it comes to shooting down any of the red fiends. I don't mind them living away from the house, but do not want my grands or any other unsuspecting guest to be ambushed by the angry little pest. I have experienced the wrath of the wasp when getting too close to a nest that I didn't even know existed, so all is fair in love and war. Their notorious anger and nasty tempers are nothing to fool around with, so if they mistakenly build a nest on my turf-THEN THEIR DAYS ARE NUMBERED!
Bobby has made the claim that he kills the red wasps with his trusty BB gun. He always get the raised eyebrow - rolled eye look from me when he makes that claim. He used to sit on the front porch with his gun and produce piles of dead wasps. He swears up and down he killed them with the BB gun. Think about it-the size of a wasp-the size of the BB-the probability of BC hitting said wasp with said BB. DO YOU WONDER THAT I ROLLED MY EYES?
I keep my eyes open when out in the yard for Mr. Jake. It is the time of the year for him to slink out of his hole and begin warming up his cold cold blood. I don't mind the non-poisonous ones, but the coral snakes and copperheads have to go. We keep the shovel and hoe handy for just when Mr. Bad Jake shows up. WE caution the boys when they are here to watch where they are walking. It pays to keep your eyes open when you live in the woods.
We love living in the woods and the perks far out weigh the downers. It is all part of the joy of living in the woods!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I must admit that I would not be running that fast if I weren't trying to keep up with Babs. We were running our weekly hill run today which makes this run our hardest run of the week. When we run this run, I don't count the miles, I count the hills. There are long forever climbing hills as well as shorter but really steep hills. The only mile that does not have hills is mile 4, but the other 4 miles are tough!
Our Monday run is 5 pretty flat miles with only a couple of hills thrown in. For some reason our time is usually not as good for it, but still a respectable 10:15 pace. We added a couple of walking miles after that.
I have started going to yoga again, but only once a week. At the end of the hour of posing, she wants us to stand on our head. GET REAL!!!! I am perfectly content to do the alternative pose with your legs and hips off the floor and into a touch to the floor behind your head. Sort of like a sideways V.
Friend, Sandra (One of the Big Girl Runners) was in a car accident after our run this AM. She was on her way to her daughter's when she was hit. The report is that she has several broken ribs and a gash in her head. I don't even bother to tell her that she should not be running when she is injured. She has run with broken ribs before, as well as stress fractures, and various other injuries. She is quite the runner and finished the marathon in 3rd place for her age group. IMPRESSIVE. We were all relieved that she was not injured worse. One thing is for sure-YOU CAN'T KEEP A GOOD WOMAN DOWN!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Pappaw is quite a character. Whenever the family gets together, there are always Pappaw stories. He has a very high regard of his opinion on any given subject and a endless inventory of stories and a propensity to reminisce. In short-THE MAN LOVES TO TALK and BE THE CENTER OF ATTENTION!
Monday, March 10, 2008
This prompted my sweet remembrance of my own path to the "Follower" status. When a small child, I have memories of Sunday School, but none of ever being in church as a family. I think the years were turbulent and for the most part I had a sick Father and angry Mother. Life had not turned out like they had hoped and the emptiness and hurt were never recognized as what they were. The absence of the Truth and reassurance of the only Hope we ever will have. For some reason-unknown to me then, I would ask to be taken to church every Sunday. My Mother or Daddy would take me to the back door and drop me off. Most Sunday's I would come home after Sunday School, for you see worship services seemed like a time for families and not young girls sitting by their self. My Mammaw and Pappaw James and my Aunt Sister were there every Sunday, but for some reason I never went with them. As I grew older and had teenage friends and friends that drove, I went to Sunday School, Worship, and Sunday night MYF meetings and Worship. I don't remember anyone else in my immediate family going, but there was a "little voice" in me always telling me I needed to be there. I can't really say I was anything, but a "Babe" in Christ for all of those years, but a prolonged adolescence in Christianity is sometimes a common thing-even for adults.
Late in high school and in college, I became rebellious and "free spirited". I was convinced that I could worship on the mountain top and there was no need for "formal church" This straying from the Truth led to many tears and much heart ache as I reaped what I was sowing. A very painful lesson from God, but a lesson well learned.
After a failed marriage, while still in this separated state, and a ugly divorce, I was once again feeling the pull. I knew where I should be and the nagging would not leave until I finally found another spiritual home. Bobby ,Scott, & I began attending a local church before we married and thus began our joint spiritual odyssey. We have had periods of tremendous growth as well as periods of roaming the spiritual wilderness. One thing has never changed-there is a vacuum that we know only one thing can fill. Bobby has faithfully prayed us through life's ups and downs. He has welcomed the mantle of "Spiritual Head" for our family. He has been the "Hound of Heaven" for each and everyone of our children and loved ones. He never hesitates to speak "The Truth" with love and concern for those he loves. Where would I be without this "Gift from God"? There is no way to tell, but I am blessed and thankful that God has faithfully pursued me all of these years and I have always felt and know the irresistible pull of His Holy Spirit.
As sweet little grandson, Cade, told his Mother yesterday after church-THE ANSWER IS ALWAYS JESUS!
Sunday, March 9, 2008

Saturday, March 8, 2008

I have had a series of cars over the years. When I reflect back to my favorites, they include the VW bug-which was fun to drive, the baby blue pinto that Bobby bought me before we married-4 on the floor & hatch back (such a cute car), the cutlass that the roof lining came loose and hung down behind me as I drove (finally found someone to fix it), and my current "yard truck", which is Gabe's old truck that I inherited via Pappaw. It also is 4 on the floor and I love to drive it. Maybe my fascination with standard shift came from the fact that I learned in my Granddaddy's old "Woodie Stationwagon" that he hauled his dogs around in. He taught me to drive when I was around 12 1/2 on the oil coated roads of East Texas. I currently am driving a white Ford explorer which is about the 4th or 5th white explorer that I have had. It has a 3rd row of seats, convenient for hauling runners to racers, and the ability to put the back 2 seats flat to haul all my "stuff" around with. When you find something that works-STICK WITH IT!
Friday, March 7, 2008

Thursday, March 6, 2008

When running errands this AM, I passed this 18 wheeler. This gives new meaning to "back breaking". I couldn't figure out what in the world caused the middle part of the trailer to collapse, but it was quite the sight to see.
After Babs & I walked 5 miles this AM, I spent a few hours in the yard. Made good progress on cleaning out the piles of leaves in the beds. Thankfully my trusty "stick boy", Mitch came and helped. We are about half way through and then the work of planting and restrawing will begin. You should have seen the lady's face in Erie when we went to the Nursery and I asked her for straw to put in the beds. It seems there are not pine forests in the frozen north and thus no straw for sale. They put bark in their beds. HUMMMM!
Note to Yankee Transplant-As for the problem of Antz in the South, you need to go to your local nursery or feed store and ask for a poison to kill them. You just put this on top of the ant piles and they are take it back inside and it kills the entire colony. Our ants have a ferocious bite and you want to stay out of their path. Once it begins to warm and consistently stay warm during the day, the mosquitoes will begin to get bad. Usually they are not bad in the heat of the day, it is early in the AM and late in the evening when they are the worst. I keep a bottle of Cutter's by the door and spray each and every time I am going to be outside for a while. Since we have "West Nile Virus" in the area, you have to be careful.
I was talking with a fellow runner today and he told me he had been on a trail run down the high line today. He said he had to jump over "Jake" several times during the few miles. I asked him was Jake lethargic and he replied I didn't slow down to ask! HA HA HA
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008