It is beyond me how in the world my three children survived their childhood! The pediatricians and media have formed a conspiratorial alliance to convince all of us Baby Boomers that we were horrible mothers.
Today on the morning news, I found out that Mothers that ingest nuts on an everyday basis risk their children having asthma. HUMMM-now let me see-I am the one eating the peanuts, but the fetus or lamb in my womb is the one that will have the allergy and eventually asthma. GREAT-I ate peanut butter sandwiches EVERY day for lunch all three pregnancies. It is a wonder that the little darlings survived that poisoning!
It was not enough that when my grands came along, I was informed that babies should always sleep on their backs. It is VERY DANGEROUS to put them on their stomachs. OK-JUST WONDERFUL! I don't remember ever putting any of the three of them down that I did not put them on their stomach. I believe they told you at the time to do this in case they threw up (NOT VOMITING-IT'S NOT GROSS-IT'S BABIES) while sleeping. You did not want them to get choked in the event that happened. Somehow all three of them survived that neglect also.
About the time that I had # 3, they had decided that it was REALLY BAD for your baby to have any form of solid food before six months. Now let's see, the pediatrician put #1 on rice cereal at a few weeks old. I seem to remember the #2 was a little older, but not any six months old. I am sure their systems have permanent scars from this gross abuse.
This is just a few of the things that we are being told that we did wrong while raising our children. HOW IN THE WORLD there is anyone alive in that generation is beyond me. IT MUST BE A MIRACLE!
with Anna, we were worried about the peanut allergy. one morning at daycare, they gave her peanut butter crackers which we told them not to do. she had no reaction whatsoever. we were relieved that we knew she wasn't allergic but also mad they gave her the crackers against our advice. now we give her pb&j sandwiches all the time. they sure do a good job of scaring you out of doing anything these days.
Too funny! Everything I do/did with my kids, my mom said she was told to do just the opposite with us! Who knows??!!
Man, I did have to overcome a lot...
with both sisters-in-law pregnant right now we discuss this whole thing a lot. it's CRAZY! i'm glad camille survived. she's important (they all are, but camille is especially important to me!)
you better take that post down if you dont want the blog police to come get you for "bad parenting."
circumcise - don't circumcise
Lay them on their back - lay them on their front
wean them from milk - drink lots of milk
read to them while you're pregnant - play only baroque music to them
then diet, no exercise, no do both, no do only specific exercise on only specific diets.
Bottom line, they don't know so they call it "practicing" medicine.
"Dr" Spock is still looked at by some as a knowledgeable guy but take a look at our schools and prisons to see how well no spanking works.
It is crazy isn't it. I can't believe what lemmings we are!
I didn't have any drugs or pain killers when I had Josh so he wouldn't have any dain bramage, and heck I know all sorts of people who had pain killers and their kids are just fine. 30 hours of suffering for no that hacks me off!
my mom fed my 6 month old a pb and j one day and I was SO terrified that he was going to have a reaction! The kid gobbled it up and loves them to this day. My friend has a 3 1/2 yr old and she has yet to even try it, she is so scared.
I ate peanut butter w/last 2 pregnancies........I craved it and normally NEVER eat peanut butter. They all lived. I even ate BRIE and lunch meat.......they say not to do that anymore because of listeria. Give me a friggin break. They have mom's today so frightened it is pathetic. I don't buy into any of the hype. Use your motherly insticts and raise your kids.......only YOU know best.
now I now where the kidney stones came from...
no. 2
nuts lead to poor grammatical skills
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