After flying into Calgary, we all loaded into the van and headed to Glacier National Park-in Montana for the first few days. A 3 plus hour drive through RURAL country side that is also very beautiful. We arrived at our hotel, Many Glacier Hotel and finally fell into bed around 11, knowing the next day would start bright and early. After a "Logger's Breakfast", we were off on our first day's hike. A measly 9.6 miles, from the starting point to Iceberg Lake. We caught up with a ranger guided hike after a couple of miles and decided to follow along and listen. We had a lesson in bears and wildflowers while traveling along the steep trail. The wildflowers were thick and the fields on each side of the trail were covered with more varieties than believable.
During the hike, we came upon a Mother Grizzly and her yearling cub. She was slowly making her way up the side of the mountain meadow and seemed to totally be oblivious of our presence. We all stopped and took pictures while the ranger watched carefully for other hikers behind us. They never got in any hurry and crossed the hiking trail and kept on going up the mountain. We then hiked the rest of the way to Iceberg Lake. The Lake is full of icebergs year round and is quite beautiful. We ate our lunch by the lake and headed back to the trail head.
We felt so good that we decided to hike up to Tarmigan Tunnel which was an additional 5 + miles. OH BY THE WAY STRAIGHT UP!!!! After we had hiked FOREVER, we then hit the switch backs going STRAIGHT UP. The tunnel was at the top-but so small-because of distance that you could not make it out. The tunnel was dug for a horse route through the mountain. REALLY SOMETHING! We finally made it through the tunnel and over to the other side which was unbelievable! IT WAS A LONG WAY HOME on very tired legs. PERHAPS A LITTLE LONG for the first day's hike considering we are all flatlanders who live about 100 feet above sea level the rest of the year. LIVE AND LEARN!

Here we all are in front of Iceberg Lake. It was COLD!

On the way to the tunnel, you will note the trail over to the right of the picture. There was still snow left-everywhere we hiked.