The things we are willing to do for the sake of training! Sandra told me this AM as we were walking our 5 that Lori & Ivory (aka-THE BIG GIRLS) started their long run at 3:45-THAT IS NOT PM-BUT AM. It seems that Ivory has a trip to New York planned for the weekend, so Lori agreed to run today. IT WAS SO HOT this AM! When we started our walk at 6 it was 76 degrees and humid. When you walk out the door to leave and the walk and garage are wet-TROUBLE! The wind was blowing-but not a cool wind-a hot humid wind from the South which just slows you down and does not cool you any. Sandra talked with Lori mid-morning and she said it was HORRIBLE. Ivory had not eaten before starting (I guess that would be called a midnight breakfast) and forgot her goo-THIS SPELLS TROUBLE. It takes a lot of fuel to make all of these miles. I have begun eating a large meal the night before and then getting up and eating a banana and muffin before starting. MOST IMPORTANT to have fuel in the tank!
Ivory has prior experience with not drinking enough at the Marine Corp Marathon. She passed out about half way because it was hot and she was not drinking ANY along the way. After having an IV, she proceeded-against medical advice-to get up and finish that sucker! WHAT A WOMAN! Now I am impressed with that feat, but IVORY-WHAT WERE YOU THINKING TODAY! She will get a lecture from Mother Lora the next time I see her. We will not have anymore of this being under hydrated or under fueled!
Sandra & I saw Babs leaving the pool this AM after her Thursday swim. The lady has gills instead of lungs! She is quite the swimmer. As for me-until they let you wear water wings-I think I will stay on the dry land!
We had another great Small Group last night with everyone sharing stories about questioning authority. It seems we have quite a few heavy feet in the group that are helping keep the Treasuries of many small Louisiana towns filled. Helen has a great tale about that very subject- Her final zing to the policeman in this particular tale is- "I need a receipt." when she wrote the check. Mrs. Helen can be SO SWEET-but she definitely has fire in her gut!
The words say- "One Expecting To Go To Heaven Should Take Time To Learn The Route"
I realize that I have a leg up on everyone-since I make the running routes up-but I do send a map-send an email with verbal directions and send the mile markers. Come on people- LEARN THE ROUTE! Most weeks we do the same standard run with add ins and deletions to extra miles. IT REALLY IS NOT THAT DIFFICULT!
This morning while running I had a thought about our different styles of running. You have the "Stealth Tiger"who has a quiet, but quick footfall and will come up behind you and you never know it. You have the "Herd of Horses" who are more noisy and turning their heads back and forth as their tails do this pendulum routine (Ponytails). You have the "Herd of Elephants" which can motor along at a steady pace, but their footfall can be heard a block away. I think I fall into the "Elephant-Whale Cross"- my footfall is like that of a middle linebacker and I am blowing like a whale that has just surfaced from a mile down. Really I am quite the dainty sight to behold!
We ran 5 and walked another 5 this AM. The "Real Babs" showed up today and pushed me every step of the way! I knew "The Old Girl" would eat my lunch sooner than later!