Sunday, February 19, 2012


I've had a couple of conversations recently that started me thinking, and then this AM the message taken from the 6th chapter of Galatians--confirmed the need to post about this topic. I am always over-whelmed to see how God answers my prayers and questions. Sometimes--it is a direct answer--middle of the night kind of thing and other times--such as today-he uses someone else to point me to truth.

The conversations centered around marriage---how hard it it at times to be married--what a tough job marriage is---how unhappy some are in their marriages. Here is what I am going to tell you---God hates divorce---and for good reason---it leads to destruction.

It destroys the family---yes-we are still all family--but not a family together. Everything changes and it will never be the same. The family unit has been divided---that is the bottom line. You can just read between the lines---think about what it is like.

It destroys a part of your heart. Just as an heart attack kills part of the heart muscle--kills--as in destroys permanently. The heart will never be the same and will never function at the same level again. There are permanent scars--holes that never heal.

I will end by saying that just as we die to self-to follow Christ, so must we die to self and put the other first--always--to have a lasting marriage.

"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap destruction." Galatians 6:6-8

1 comment:

Hannah Lee said...

Marriage is tough. And while divorce is painful sometimes when one or the other's heart turns cold, it is hard to carry it by yourself. While God hates it, He is also understanding and loving for the one who fought. You fought. You were strong. God knows that and loves you for that!