Saturday, July 31, 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010
My sweet friend sent me an email telling me what a wonderful example of Christ I was. I AM SO CONVICTED! As I replied to her, if you knew the thoughts I had this very morning, you would be SO disappointed! I am flesh and therefore I am sinful---though I strive to seek and serve Him---I falter EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY DAY. And yet----I ALWAYS end up turning my face back to Him. He takes my trials and uses them as a "Refiners Fire" to slowly shape me, but this side of Heaven I will never be a Perfect Vessel. I am Blessed by my dear friends EVERY day of my life. They are His provision to keep me going and remind me of my focus. I endeavor to "Keep my poise" with my eyes upon Him.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
We have our friend, Mr. B come once a quarter and pick up all the sticks and mulch the 5 acres of woods around the house. He came Monday and I was delighted. Tuesday as I am driving to the NH for a visit, a series of thunderstorms with plenty of wind came through. If you live near any tress, you understand what I came home to find. NOT A HAPPY CAMPER! I start yesterday after my 5 mile run and 3 mile walk to pick up the limbs and revisit this job this AM beginning at 7. By mid-morning I have a truck full and I am off to the landfill!
You do remember that I have been declared "Queen of the Landfill"? In honor of keeping up appearances and maintaining my poise and regal statute, I even changed tee shirts. (Plus after LOTS of sweat I had a wet tee shirt---You do understand) They were SO HAPPY to see me. The nice men helped me to clear out the back of the truck & I promised a return visit in a couple of days. They were so delighted and I gave them a "Queenly wave" as I drove off. You know that wave----arm crooked at a 90 degree angle at the elbow, fingers held together, and a slow back and forth wave.--REGAL & POISED TO A FAULT!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I have this mental picture of a little old lady with a pillbox hat with the net only slightly pulled over the edge of her hair, shirt-waist dress down to mid-calf, umbrella in her hand, back as straight as an arrow, glasses on absolutely straight with low pumps on her feet-striking a no-nonsense pose with a non-telling look of cool on her face. YEP that's me for sure!
I guess the plans I have of taking out a full page ad announcing to the world ALL my grievances will have to be put on hold. AND OH YEAH---the loaded gun by the front door should probably be unloaded and put away. The fantasy of standing on the courthouse square while standing on a large box and announcing to all around my plans for those that have "fooled with me" will also have to wait. AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST----the carefully laid plans of Getting Even will have to be thrown in the trash.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010

Think about those digging indiscriminately in your garden----I AM NOT HAPPY!
This weekend began the Vienna Dilla War. Friday night---even facing a 4:45 alarm clock----we heard the first little monster at 10:30. We both jump out of bed---picture the Keystone Cops & you've got an idea of what we looked like trying to get flashlights, shoes, guns and GET OUT THAT DOOR. When I first saw the dilla in the garden, I ALMOST felt sorry for him--he was probably a teenage dilla. THEN I saw him stick his snout down in the garden and use those claws to begin throwing straw & dirt. FATAL MISTAKE! ONE DOWN!
At 12:30, I hear another one----I go look out to make sure and then wake BC up AGAIN. The rifle had jammed and he would not let me use his pistol. I have one of my own that I plan to get out! He shot--but wasn't sure. We spend the next 30 minutes looking under bushes trying to make sure he isn't bleeding to death in my flower bed.
The next night I don't hear anything until 5 AM ( MY ONE MORNING TO SLEEP A LITTLE LATER). This one must have heard us hitting the door and cocking the guns. HE RUNS OFF.
Last night he came back---I might have heard him about 4 and he might have come after I left to run at 5:10--but the damage is MAJOR. The worst it has been.
I am on a MISSION now! I have a trap set with a chute leading right into it! I plan to sleep on the couch and look out every 30 minutes. AND AFTER VICTORY---I plan to have a nice new handbag-

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Saturday, July 24, 2010
I came up with the idea of a picture of a Shepherd's Staff & the theme Super Staff. I asked my friend, Larry, to come up with a design using this theme and the below is his great concept that we placed on tee shirts. A staff in the midst of a star---JUST what I wanted to say.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

To further prove my point--------my sweet friend, Ron White, invited us all to come to North Carolina----in the cool mountains----for a 5K. SUCH a NICE GESTURE----REALLY THANK YOU RON! The sad fact is that our running group will not in most cases drive across Ruston (about 10 minutes MAX) to run in a 5K. NOW JUST MENTION THE WORD MARATHON------AND WE'LL TRAIN FOR 18 GRUELING WEEKS OF LONG RUNS------AND THEN HOP A PLANE TO POINTS ALL OVER THE USA-----TO RUN 26.2 MILES! What's wrong with that picture?
As I was running this AM---you know I missed my Wednesday run----and LORD help me if I don't make that up! In this SERIOUS HEAT & HUMIDITY---I began to question my sanity as the sweat poured off me and EVERY square inch was drenched. WHAT IN THE WORLD sends a person over the edge anyway! As the sweat dripped in my eyes and they burned from the salt and I fought for a breath in the sauna like atmosphere---I JUST HAVE TO QUESTION MY SANITY!
Rolling all this through my head, while getting gas on the way home, I see and old friend that I have not seen for a LONG time. He looks over and said, "I wondered who that good looking woman was." NOW THAT IS A HUGE BIG ONE---there I am drenched, still sweating, with my hair soaked and plastered to my head-----YEAH RIGHT- GOOD LOOKING & SANE!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I had the PERFECT plan. My sweet gardener friend gave me a mess of peas. I would take them to the NH and ask Conville's to HELP me shell my peas as a fun activity for them. We would shell peas and I would then put them up or cook them a mess if they wanted. We would talk about old times and Pappaw's garden and Nannie's "Putting Up"---it would me memory provoking.
I get to the NH and first take in the laundry and SURPRISE--two of their old friends are there for a visit. I sit down thinking a short visit and then we shell peas. One hour later---the friends leave. Obviously they were intrigued with my winning personality and delightful conversation!
NEEDLESS to say-NO pea shelling at the NH since Nannie was pretty much over the top by then. So I bring them home and shell them ALL BY MYSELF while BC is working late. All is not loss---I got two bags in the freezer and we will enjoy them later.
I also made some Pico de gallo from the fresh jalapenos and tomatoes and other fresh ingredients I had on hand. YUMMMMMMY! If I had a clue what the ingredient measurements were, I would post the recipe---but basically you put what fresh ingridents you like in it, add 1 T EVOO, and 1 T vinegar with some dried seasonings of choice.
Back to today's story---I am reminded of a quote that I often use and laugh about when these kind of things OFTEN happen--
"NO good turn goes unpunished!"
Monday, July 19, 2010


I really have to question BP's management and their use of resources---but I will admit--there were people in the water and on the beaches and everything seemed fastidiously clean.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

Pappaw told me this weekend that the only fun he and Nannie had at the NH was Bingo. That set me to thinking-----BC tells me I think WAY TOO MUCH. I was disturbed t hat he was not happy and determined to "Fix It". The Psychology books tell you that this comes with being the "Middle Child". I am always trying to fix things. So if you need fixing-just let me know---I obviously consider it a challenge.
I have talked with the Recreation director at the NH and it seems that Pappaw will not go to the craft sessions -which he loves-without Nannie-who could care less. I have taken it as a personal challenge to get them going---without realizing what I am doing.
So today, I went to see them with coloring sheets of peaches. Nannie IMMEDIATELY wanted to know what I had and why I had it. I told her that the Grands would LOVE getting pictures colored by all 3 of us in the mail and they would send us pictures back. I said, we can do this whenever you want. She told me not today and I put everything on the shelf. About 15 minutes later, she said well maybe we can color today. We all colored our pictures. As I was leaving, she told me I enjoyed coloring with you today. SCORE! I have other ideas for the days to come. I LOVE my children's grandparents and would do anything to help them improve their quality of life. BEWARE THE BORN CAMP DIRECTOR IS AT WORK!
Sunday, July 11, 2010

I am happy to report that all 4 of us-survived another year of Camp Conville. I have learned over the past few years that the key to success and avoiding boredom and trying to kill each other is ACTIVITY! To say the VERY least we were active!
BC called last night to make sure the boys had arrived home safely. Their Dad said, "The boys are exhausted." WAIT THE BOYS ARE EXHAUSTED------THEY ARE 10 & ALMOST 8----WHAT ABOUT THE GRANDPARENTS WHO ARE IN THEIR 60'S?????????
Saturday, July 10, 2010

All good things seem to come to an end---actually all things seem to come to an end-that's a post for another day! Sylvia (Other Grandmother) was here for a Ruston visit and to take the boys home. We decided to go out with a BANG-Poppa Bob, Mr. Rodney & Mr. James & the boys all went to the Shooting Range. Let's just say --the fireworks didn't stop with the 4th!
Mr. James Helping

Mr. Rodney Giving A Few Pointers
Thursday, July 8, 2010
We then went to WOW for a lunch of wings--I've never seen Caleb eat more! We then went to the pool with several friends for the entire afternoon. We all 3 are glowing quite a bit tonight.
Home for a quick shower and then off to the "Country Club" at Sheila & Rob's. I was amazed when the boys just went in the chicken coop without a hesitation and even gathered eggs. They had a LONG 4 wheeler ride with Rob & Sheila while I had my first quiet moments in a week. We then walked down to the pond and the boys did some shooting.
Quote of the Day-
To give you some background, #2 needs a hair cut BADLY! I have finally succeeded in bribing him to get one tomorrow. When I struck the bargain, his comment was-
"Well can we at least wait until Silvey (other grandmother) gets here? I need someone who lives with me to go with me."