Saturday, November 22, 2008


This morning was spent once again raking leaves. The leaves of Fall are slowly beginning to fade away and the remaining tree skeletons are all we are left with. But as you will see below , what we are still left to behold-well pictures do not do justice to and words are not able to describe.
How I wish I could have gotten the true glory of this tree. As Babs & I turned a corner to finish our long run about a week ago, we were met with the rising sun shining through this tree. It was as if we had seen a gold vein brilliantly reflecting in the early morning sunrays. Truly glorious!

There is no description for the red of this tree. Today when we rode by this tree that I pass every day going and coming from home, I noticed the leaves have all but disappeared forming a beautiful red rug at the foot of the little tree.

When you look out the living room window, this is the sight. For those that are talented enough to play the baby grand piano, they would draw their inspiration from God's beautiful landscape as they glanced out the window.

Standing on the side deck, you soak in the reds, yellows and golds that only God can create. No artist will ever be able to recreate the beauty of the original color that lasts but for a brief moment.

Today as I raked and cleared the leaves surrounding our house and covering the decks,walks and drives, I was blessed to observe God's gentle reminder to us. That which is doomed to slowly die will once again emerge in beauty in the Spring. A real and constant reminder of God's gift of "New Life".

1 comment:

Hannah Lee said...

Your pictures are beautiful! I love Fall too. You can come help me rake if you want. Hehe...