Wednesday, June 29, 2011
AND the other a large other part is in Austin. They ALL make me happy!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
How do you purchase a vehicle. You do your research--on line. You visit various car dealers. You walk in with a huge folder filled with paper and proposals and print outs. You talk the talk--you walk the walk---You throw out that you audited automobile dealership books for years---you wait for their deal---that they say is so great
you counter deal
they take it
One thing will not change---it's still a white car! I have driven only white vehicles for a LONG time----and I will still be in a white vehicle!
Monday, June 27, 2011
ANY WAY----for the Peach Parade-we decided the perfect float would be a surrey bike---
You know she will work HARD for you!
Friends, Susan & Babs helped with the power and I personally think we were quite the hit of the parade AND I got a great workout pedaling!

Unfortunately this was our view for most of the parade
"The Elephant's Rear"

At some point in a very SLOW progression--we decided ENOUGH--even with the Sheriff behind us---We broke out of line and pedaled around the other floats----
Sunday, June 26, 2011
I do my research. I have a nice Ford Explorer that I have taken excellent care of. Even the car salesman said it is as clean as a new one. Anyway--I went in knowing what trade in value should be---I did my research. He offered me wholesale which is $1800 less. I told him thank you and left.
There are other car dealers within easy driving distance and perhaps they would like my business more than he does.
MEANWHILE------if you are looking for a good 2nd car- car for you teen or college bound kid--I have an '06 Ford Explorer XLT---leather/6 player CD unit/3rd row of seats/power everything & MY FAVORITE FEATURE keyless entry for sale---email me!
Nice Looking
If you have to go to the doctor, this is an added bonus!
It seems I am suffering from severe stress---DUH! In my usual manner, I marched in and gave my diagnosis--but he concurred. He assured me if I could run 5 miles, there was nothing wrong with my heart. I wonder if anyone ever told James Fixx that? -LOL! I digress. We live in a world of drugs to fix anything---so he gave me drugs.
I currently take no drugs-and plan for this to be a short term deal-but for now I will follow the doctor's orders. Well except for some minor changes that I decided upon in the way I take them.
One of the pills is a "Happy Pill". It seems they take around 3 weeks to work. If you see me in about three weeks and I am clinging to the chandelier when you walk in, suggest I cut back on the dosage-please!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
CALL 911~~~!!!!!!!
THANK THE GOOD LORD for friends like Nurse Sonja. I called her and she talked me through it. By the time I had called her, I had stopped at a C store (seemed the smart thing to do) and she told me the meds to try. LONG story short---I am alive! Wouldn't wish that pain on anyone---can't imagine what a REAL heart attack must feel like! I should have known if I ran 5 miles this AM, my heart was fine!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Saturday, June 18, 2011
Sweet niece asked for the blueberry pie recipe---quite by coincidence- I prepared one yesterday with the fresh blueberries that I picked at Pop's 2 weeks ago. Once you pick your berries---put them on a towel in a single layer and let them dry--DO NOT WASH--then you just freeze or place in Tupperware--they will keep a LONG time in the frig this way.
I took my pie to friends Patty & Jeff's house last night. She prepared a wonderful fish with a toasted pecan/sauteed pepper sauce. I will see if I can get her recipe and post it for you. Perhaps upon occasion-I will post some wonderful recipe such as this. BUT FOR NOW---posting this blog is about all I can do.
AS ALWAYS Thanks for Reading & Letting me know & Signing Up as a Follower!
Friday, June 17, 2011
I was reminded of a series of events that answered the question
1. I was prompted by God to read and study Ezekiel recently. I have been plodding through it and have even journal ed questioning God as to what I was to gleam from it. I then got to the passages about us being held accountable for our brothers and sisters placed in our path and we will be held accountable for them if we do not warn them of the consequences of their sin.
2. I then received an email today that spent a great deal of time exploring the fear of accountability when we are not repentant and a reminder that we are not guaranteed even one more minute.
3. I had a conversation with a friend who reminded me that it was not about me-but it was about eternal consequences.
It is so amazing to see God working in my life and answering questions-even before they are asked with re enforcement. Life is not easy-but He is faithful to provide just what we need and just when we need it. AWESOME!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
My assignment was "Bubbles". I AM DEAD DOG SERIOUS---bubbles are REALLY MESSY! These children are Grades 1-3 (upcoming year). Interestingly the younger children did the best job. Each child had a cup of bubbles & a straw. They blew bubbles and put them on their arms. We talked about what is inside the bubble and why your arm has to be wet for the bubble to "Make". We made bubble caterpillars-bubbles in bubbles-big bubbles and bigger bubbles.
The next part of the activity involved dipping yarn which was threaded through 2 straws into a tub of bubbles. We made bubble windows. The children were shown how a wet finger placed through the window would not pop it. They blew HUGE bubbles from the window. They loved it BUT
I should not have to use soap on my hands any time in the near future--!!!! Oh and you do know that soap residue makes thing slippy don't you???
Next week-no more nice girl--I'm doing the power point!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

When I came in and showered I found a tick--all the way up around my underarm---they love dark - sweaty---fat & juicy - tender parts of your body. He was a small one--but he had latched on and was enjoying a feast.
I carefully removed him---and thought "WHAT IF I GET ROCKY MOUNTAIN TICK DISEASE"---wait-this isn't the Rockies--I'm Good! I then thought---"OH NO---the dreaded Lyme's Disease" again--although possible extremely rare in the South--more likely on the East Coast. SO I'M GOOD!
Except for the late night----I am sure something is crawling on me phenomenon---I'm Great!
Monday, June 13, 2011
I have really tried to be VERY adult and like all that are put in my path. Somehow I have figured out that I am pretty weird in my own right and if I accept others as they are-perhaps they will tolerate me as well.
ALL THIS TO SAY---if you read my blog---all 2 or 3 of you---PLEASE say you like me by becoming a "Follower" . You don't have to reveal anything about yourself-or put a picture or anything. Just sign up as a follower. All you have to do is click on Followers and it tells you how to do the rest. You do not have to have a blog-use you email address as your user--it's really simple.
I getting pretty paranoid over here thinking you don't like me---
Sunday, June 12, 2011
I have many friends and family that have been praying for me, but today I was reminded that the "BIG GUN" is interceding for me-Praying for me to the Father. He further proved this with Romans 8:33-34 and I John 1:9-2:2. I am often comforted and encouraged that others are praying for me. God is nudging you to pray, but Jesus is also praying. WOW!
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011
The War is NOT OVER!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
After giving a demonstration of straining parsley suspended in water through various tools, to show how the whales eat-we then went outside for a little individual experimentation. We took small cups and put a little water & sprinkles which represented the shrimp inside them. The object was to put a big mouthful in your mouth, close your teeth (the strainer), and spit out the water. All that should be left is the sprinkles (food). These are first, second & maybe third graders--many of whom are missing multiple front teeth. IT WAS A HOOT! After the first group, I learned that I had to demonstrate the technique. I was really QUITE GOOD at it -THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
One of the teachers, Pam G., asked what my precious daughter, Camille would think of her mother's manners. I quickly told her she will be SO JEALOUS that she did not get to participate in the spitting! YEAH FOR SPITTING AT SUMMER CAMP!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
I can't sit still for long at all-so this morning I started yet another new project. I have an island bed of azaleas in the middle of my circular drive that has been there for 25 + years. Plants are like humans-they have a life expectancy and some of these azaleas are WAY PAST old age. I had decided in the Spring that once they had bloomed that I was going to take this bed out and think about something different for the spot. That was in the Spring before the drought and the hard ground and the hot weather.
I had not gotten around to starting this project until today--I wanted to wait until it was REALLY hot before beginning. SO this morning early, I first cut back the first HUGE azalea that I was planning on slipping from its earthly bed. Then I tried tying a rope around the branches sticking from the ground and the other end to the back of the "Yard Truck". I then gave it a gentle tug---and the rope went "TWANG"--it broke.
Well not to be outdone by a mere bush--I started digging around it and discovered it puts out long feelers of roots which over the years are about the size of my wrist. I began cutting those roots and kept on digging. By this time I have a moat dug around the plant and just know it will come up. Once again I tie the rope around the plant and to a do dad hanging under the truck that holds in the spare tire. Once again the rope broke and this time-the do dad bent.
I go BACK with the shovel and try to pry the bush loose and discover there are MANY roots and they ALL are big as my wrist and the ones directly under the bush are sunk all the way to China.
By this time I am using my hands to dig out from under the bush to find the roots-and then cut them. Did I mention that the sweat is pouring off me and I am filling the moat up as I work? After a hour and a half of digging, prying, pulling---the bush has won---FOR TODAY!
I am looking for a chain and trying to figure out where to hook it on the truck---THAT SUCKER IS COMING OUT OF THERE!
Then I have only about 30-40 more to go to have my cleared bed.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
SOMETHING TELLS ME THIS IS COMING TO A SWIFT END----I have projects whirling through my head, yard work to do, small group supper, ... Hopefully I will not get into TOO BIG of a TIZZY-but I don't like to BE STILL!
Monday, June 6, 2011
The Bible study we started at the end of the year is from Peter Lord's book Hearing God. It addresses being quiet and still and listening for God. At this point in my life--I need to learn just that, but I am having a difficult time doing this. The human side of me wants to jump in and take steps---steps that might be wrong. I need to read The Word, pray, be still & listen for God. He has a perfect plan and direction for me. I need to learn patience and listening--it's just difficult to do.
Sunday, June 5, 2011

If you've had children's toys around, there is the DISTINCT possibility that you've experienced the phenomenon of the toy that doesn't want to turn off. We had a Micky Mouse play computer that would suddenly go off at random times and make his annoying noises and sing in his shrill voice his little song. The two youngest boys have a monkey that will put ALL those other unpredictable toys to shame.
This CUTE? toy was really a great idea---he has a parachute---you throw him in the air---he squeals this high pitched monkey squeal when he hits the floor. AWWWW--SO CUTE---EXCEPT---he has a mind of his own and goes off at unpredictable times.
While helping pack up in Erie, I slept downstairs on the couch while everyone else is upstairs in bedrooms with thick doors and noise machines running. The EVIL--NO GOOD---POSSESSED--monkey would go off at random times during the night. This was bearable---UNTIL--the night that he had been placed in the mudroom off the front door- RIGHT BY THE DEN! Every thirty minutes ALL night---he squeals and I jump. I am CERTAIN the neighbors could hear him since they keep their windows open and he is in an uninsulated room. Around 3 AM, I finally get up--go get the PEST and take him to the BACK mudroom and the recycle bend-at the back of the house.
He proceeds to protest by going off every 15 minutes the remainder of the night-but my hearing is seriously muffled anyway---POOR NEIGHBORS---I am SURE they wondered why the squealing moved locations but picked up intensity in the middle of the night.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
At this time, the next right thing is to leave the Jennings here in Fort Worth with a house all set up and ready to live in and give them time to settle in and develop their new routines. I think it has been quite a shock to return to the South and the REALLY HOT weather, but they will adapt.
We were SO Blessed to have Adam's parents a mere 30 miles away in Weatherford. We stayed with them in their lovely home and they did a huge chunk of babysitting while we were unpacking. They made me feel so at home and I am very thankful that they will be here to help with the babies!
SO FOR NOW---I am headed back to Ruston tomorrow--and will pray about and look for "The Next Right Thing" that I should do.