Sunday, August 9, 2009


I finished reading Ortberg's Book, "The Life You've Always Wanted" this past week. A great book well worth your read. I first heard about this book from Brother Len during one of his sermons. Since I had already read a couple of Ortberg's books, I decided to order this one. BC and I then began reading this book together while traveling the roads to Austin. I have never been able to read in the car since it produces a little motion sickness, BUT made the wonderful discovery that when reading aloud I do not get queasy. I believe the secret is in the fact that I hold the book in front of me and am able to look out at the horizon. ANYWAY!

The last chapter of the book talks about the experience of suffering. I have suffered-we ALL have suffered, BUT I cannot imagine suffering without my faith. My faith enables me to endure my suffering. Ortberg addresses the growth that often accompanies periods of suffering, BUT the fact remains that we must still suffer. IT IS PAINFUL!

The Truth that has sustained me is that God loves me beyond my wildest imagination. He and He alone is faithful and never changing. We all experience days that would be unbearable-except for His sustaining presence. I am blessed and thankful-God is Here!

1 comment:

About Miranda said...


Just saw your comment on my blog. Thanks for stopping in. I graduated from RHS the year behind Camille and found your blog through hers. I read yours most everyday and have for the last year or two. I actually used one of your blogs about marathon running for a sermon analogy in South Africa. I love reading your blog!