Monday, October 6, 2008


If I could impart one piece of wisdom to all you young women out there, it would be this:


The above ultrasound is a picture of Camille's 12 week old fetus-BABY. You will note that it looks just like a newborn-only it is the size of a plum. It is so wonderful that they have ultrasounds now that show these details to you. There are some that would have you to believe that until the fetus is outside the womb and functioning on its own-it is not a baby. The picture above would prove otherwise.

Life sometimes throws the unexpected at you. There are times that it is not a good time to have a baby, or you have no support, or you're just not ready and just not prepared. While understandable that you might feel this way-There Is Always A Way! That way might not be easy and the road may be hard-but the rewards so make it worth it.

You have never experienced love like the love you have for your children. Totally self-less and all consuming, this love should have its own term. A little human being comes into this world totally dependent upon you for their every need. They stop, turn and listen when the sound of your voice reaches their ears. They want nothing more than to be held in your arms and feel your warmth.

They are babies and they deserve the same chance at life that we were all given. How sad-how heart breaking sad when one chooses to throw this life away and miss the most wonderful experience in the world.

The Bible explains it in such simple terms:

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb...Psalm 139:13

We are His from the first moment of creation. What a wonderful gift and blessing-cherish it.


Anonymous said...

well its nice to know that you have great hits here.

Anonymous said...

i don't see a baby in that ultrasound. then again, i've never been good at deciphering ultrasound images.

the Jennings secede from the South said...

Good post, Mom.

adrian seney said...

Nice post, and I DO SEE THE BABY!

Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

It is NEVER easy to have a baby...I have had 3 all with a great husband and everytime I brought them home and set them on the bed it was like the first time all over again. I would look at them and think "WHY would someone allow me to bring this child home"....I am going to break it or something. Somehow though......we all just keep keepin' on and the human race keeps going.

Anonymous said...

wow, good blog.

Anonymous said...

I can see the baby perfectly! He she/ is very well developed! Looks great!

Hannah Lee said...

You are so right. There is never a perfect circumstance for having a child. Once, you experience that love, though, you know everything will be okay. Love your thoughts!

Deb said...


B-HO said...

PREACH IT SISTA! "The most dangerous place in America is a woman's womb"....I once saw that on a bumper sticker, yet it is the truth. LOVE THIS!

B-HO said...

PREACH IT SISTA! "The most dangerous place in America is a woman's womb"....I once saw that on a bumper sticker, yet it is the truth. LOVE THIS!

B-HO said...

PREACH IT SISTA! "The most dangerous place in America is a woman's womb"....I once saw that on a bumper sticker, yet it is the truth. LOVE THIS!

B-HO said...

PREACH IT SISTA! "The most dangerous place in America is a woman's womb"....I once saw that on a bumper sticker, yet it is the truth. LOVE THIS!

The Tylers said...

Oh so true. Thanks for those words.

Deb said...

Camille and Adam are so blessed. This child is LOVED and will continue to be LOVED....this child is blessed, too. Love the much better than they were in 1982!!!