Thursday, October 9, 2008


I have been thinking- I can hear that collective groan! Complicity is a complicated and complex word. Complicity is a tough concept-----period.

What is our responsibility when we are complicit? Do you understand what complicity means? In simple terms, if we participate in a crime or sin against another, without malice toward that person, but merely as a partner in the one intending the harm-we are complicit. What then is our responsibility to that person?

A simple example:

We become friends with someone who is going through a rough period with their life long best friend. The past years have been good, but as with all relationships, the friendship seems to be in a "Cool Period". Through a series of events, our new friend draws close to us and begins to replace the old friendship with our new one. The old friend is totally unaware of the new friendship, and though aware of the "Cooling"-still trusting of the old friend.

A door is opened and our new friend begins to not only pull away from the old, but also to verbally berate and debase them. We don't participate in the conversation, but willingly listen-without correction or defense of the old friend. The actions continue to accelerate, until the new friend is openly participating in harmful actions towards their old friend. We not only don't comment but even participate in these actions.

What is our responsibility toward the injured friend? What is our part in the offense? Where should we go from here?

Deep thoughts-all caused from our unwillingness or inability to run from aiding and abetting the actions. Our desire for the new relationship overrode our sense of right. We did not intentionally hurt the old friend and certainly had no thought of what the repercussions would be. The fact remains-we were complicit.

What are your thoughts? Deep thinking on a Thursday morning!


adrian seney said...

That is very deep thinking for a Thursday morning and very deep reading for a Thursday night!

Deb said...

Good question...I have been in this position and have had nagging guilt over it....mostly from just saying nothing and not doing any defending. It is a tough spot. Sometimes it is as if you are put there to watch and pray.....