Saturday, April 26, 2008


Camille blogged about plastic surgery and the seeming propensity for the quest for youth that so many have today. This led to some deep thinking about why so many women are now willing to undergo a general anesthetic and weeks of recovery time in this vain search. Many blame the printed and filmed media as the culprit in the futile game of perfection seeking. After much thought, I have decided while we are given this image of perfection by Hollywood and the world of fashion, they are not the only culprits. As for me, I don't necessarily want to look like I am 20 or 30 or like the starlets and models I see day after day parading around in a aura of beauty, proportion, and symmetry. I work hard at staying fit and am still able to run long miles and exercise with even the young girls. I would like to look like the way I feel-which is basically great. I have boundless energy and still feel like I did 20 or 30 years ago. This leads to me wanting to look like I did 20 years ago. My head knows this is no realistic and the ravages of time are not kind to our bodies, but the desire for looks to match athletic ability and energy are difficult to squelch. My one saving grace from "going under the knife" is that I cannot fathom taking that much time off from the activities that I love. I simply don't have time for "down time". I have miles to run and friends to enjoy!

We had a group of 7 running our long run this AM. Mr. Larry showed up again after 2 weeks of recuperating from his broken rib. He made about 5 miles with some pain, but did well considering the pain you endure when breathing with a broken rib. Mrs. Sandra is having another bout of nausea and is scheduled for more tests next week. We miss her and Babs greatly and will be glad when we are all back at it. The group stuck with me until mile 5 and then they turned back. I then finished the last 5 miles alone. NO FUN! The weather was actually really cool and a cool gusty wind was blowing. It almost felt like Spring instead of the Summer we have endured this past week.

Bobby and I went by the Funeral Home tonight for visitation for a friend's husband. He was only 55 years old, but was diagnosed with cancer last July. Treatment did not work and his fight was a short one. A sad wife was standing alone to greet those that came. We have no guarantees in this life. Contrast that with Bobby's Dad that we visited this AM, who at 87 is still working half a day. "He knows the number of hairs on our head and the numbers of days we are appointed." I take great solace in the fact that there are no surprises in His eyes.

1 comment:

the Jennings secede from the South said...

Did you know that Demi Moore had a knee cap tuck? She tucked all that loose skin on her knee cap. Have you heard of such a thing?