Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I was telling sweet Camille that Babs & I had spent part of the day in Monroe scouring around for material to make table toppers for friend Mona's daughter's wedding. She said, "Mom, you should blog about that. We are all interested in weddings." Sorry to disappoint, but there is not much visual at this point. It is all in my head. NOW THAT IS A SCARY THOUGHT-reading my mind! Amy is getting married on the 10th, so we are in the last minute pulling the materials together to decorate next week. They are marrying in her childhood church which is about 20 minutes down "White Lightning Road" from my house. The reception is about 15-20 minutes then South of there at the bank where her Dad works. They have a lovely community room, but this means that you need separate decor for each location, since it is too far to transfer. The wheels have been turning and Babs & I brain-stormed some more today. When we get it all done-I will post pictures, but for right now-I couldn't begin to put my thoughts into words!
The doors have been left open a lot at our house in the last week with workers floating in and out-in and out-in and out. This has allowed a few flies to get inside. When popping one with a magazine yesterday, I was carried back to my youth and the indispensable "Fly Swatter"! Every home had a fly swatter back in the good old days. I don't believe I have seen one in 30 years. Since we all live in the air conditioned comfort today, there are no open windows and no screen doors letting in the flies. So I guess there is no need for a fly swatter. At our house, when growing up, we had a fly swatter, but it was kept hanging in the broom closet. Momma would have died if it had been out for anyone to see. NASTY THINGS- those fly swatters. They had fly guts on them! In some homes, the fly swatter did double duty. It served as a "Kid Swatter" when the "Little Darlings" got out of line. Since you had it right by your hand, to kill the pesky flies that got in-it was a convenient "Weapon of Choice" for Momma's when pesky children needing a little discipline. There was no one to report the child abuse to in those days and I am sure a pop on the rear with a fly gut spattered swatter would certainly be considered abuse in today's society. The first swatter I remember was made out of fine mesh wire and the last one was plastic. The wire one would have probably inflicted more pain than the plastic, but you got the message when that swat was applied liberally to your rear end. I never thought the corporal punishment that I was dealt was abuse, and as far as I can tell, I think I am pretty well adjusted-certainly as well as most. WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL with corporal punishment? It always got my attention, and I thought long and hard before crossing the line that led to a spanking. I am glad my kids are grown and I don't have to listen to all of the "so called experts" of today.

Mel, Larry & I ran this AM. We gained Susan at about mile 1 1/2-long story short-she couldn't find where we started. We lost Mel after mile 2 and Susan at mile 3. Larry & I finished our 5. The weather has been perfect! Shorts & short sleeve, cool when you start but in a sweat by the time you finish. THE DAYS ARE GETTING LONGER! It is almost light now when we hit the road at 6 and complete day light when we finish!


Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

My mom used to make us walk down the yard and get our own "switch" and then bring it to her and she would smack us with it. A "switch" was a really skinny flimsy branch that stung the beejeezus out of your leg when she swatted you with it. Man could she use a switch! I turned out ok. Every kid needs a good pop on the behind before they turn 18. There is a difference between beating and getting someones attention. Unless you have to beat them to get their attention, in which case, it is probably too late for them anyway.

the Jennings secede from the South said...

It was bright outside at 5:55 a.m. this morning, can you believe it?

We have open windows so we have a fly swatter now. Classy.

Deb said...

Jim and I have been married almost 30 years and bave never been without a fly swatter. We thought everyone had one some place. Where we grew up they are still in vogue as air conditioning is not. Yes, I too was swatted on the back of the legs with these handy, dandy leg stingers. I think I should have gotten swatted much more than I did.

Deb said...
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B-HO said...

I love the centerpieces!!Let me know if ya'll need any help with anything...