#1 Grand was 9 years old Saturday. MY HOW TIME HAS FLOWN! The parties seem to be getting bigger and better with every passing year. This year the theme was "REPTILE PARTY"! NOW WHO EVER CAME UP WITH THIS IDEA????
Every Party Starts With A Little Jump Around
Just How Many Bodies Will One Trampoline Hold?

A Party Is Not A Party Without Someone Getting Hit In The Head While Trying To Break The Pinata

The "Reptile Man"
He would not allow us to hold the varmints-SHUCKS!

After an hour of viewing all sort of snakes, turtles, toads, lizards, etc. the Birthday Boy got the special treat of getting to hold a snake and have a Lizard Crown placed on his head.

He seemed to get a little panicky when the lizard went for a walk!

One of the gifts was one of those electronic gadgets with a bunch of letters for a name.
I don't have a clue!

Wonder what he is thinking? Perhaps dreaming of a tropical island with quiet breezes blowing and lying in a hammock and rocking in the wind. TOO BAD! Your the Dad of a 9 year old!

Certainly one of the most unique parties I have ever been to, but between the Gator Farm and the Snake Man-I've quite had my fill of The
World of Reptiles!
Oh my gosh...we may see Scott on TV ....the Crocodile Hunter's demise has left a void.
In review these boys will remember this as the "Summer of Scales".
Looks like they all had a great time.
Oh....I saw that arm and thought that was Scott at first...hahaha.
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