Sunday, May 23, 2010


This has been "Reconcilement Weekend" at our church, Christ Community Church. See Here for details of the fifteen year story of strife, disagreement, estrangement, hurt, anger & finally after a two year process of talks and meetings--this weekend was the celebration. In the place of division, discord, and dissension--are repentance and reconcilement. It is a testament to the God that we serve, and His desire for His children. It has been a beautiful and sweet time.

Today's message centered around "The Sermon on the Mount" and the Beatitudes "Blessed are the peacemakers". As Brother Len challenged us--examine your life, search your heart---Is there anyone that you need to go to and repent and seek reconcilement with. God desires us to live in unity and for our relationships to be God honoring. Satan desires us to focus upon our needs and wants and for us to focus upon ourselves and not those around us. He revels in our broken relations and feeds our anger and discouragement to prevent the furtherment of the "Kingdom".

Is there one who is standing in pain, waiting for your word of sorrow? I am questioning myself today and resolving to glorify Him by mending any brokenness in my life. We are all human and all fallen---we have not always sought His direction and mishandled many of the important relationships in our lives. Life is short and fleeting---I hope to "Run the Race Well" and "Finish Well."

Examine your heart--step forward with a word--no ifs, ands, or buts--just sorrow and repentance. What a beautiful thing it could be.

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