I just reread last year's New Year's Eve Post, "The Good, The Bad & The Ugly". It was a trip down Memory Lane. I am reflecting as I write on the past year and a worthy title for this blog. Perhaps it will come to me as I write.
Looking at last year's post, I reflected upon Dr. Dale's leaving. After MONTHS, of watching the insidious illness take its toll, Dale slipped peacefully into the hands of the Father. A true man of God, we all miss him and I often think with a smile of his dry wit and insatiable desire to get me stirred up. He made me think! His memory lives on with us all.
God reminds of us his goodness with "New Beginnings" such as the birth of our sweet Henry. It has been a delight to watch him come into the world and grow into a crawling-LOUD babbling Little Man. His Mom and Dad have taken to parenting like Bees to Honey. It has been pure joy to watch.
The two oldest Grands have grown up A LOT in this year-especially the oldest. He is a sweet and tender young man that has learned how to pull at his Momma Lulu's heart. #2 is ALL BOY----but I see the changes coming as he also follows in his brother's footsteps in the path of growing up. They are joy---pure joy!
It has been a year of unexpected and painful revelations----it has been a year of reoccurring illness-----it has been a year of a life full of turmoil-doubts-struggles, but then ONCE AGAIN God has provided his strength. I have grown in Him and He is still wooing me. The growth comes with life's pain---but the growth is SO worth any pain.
I have been reminded of who He is and what He desires for me-----it is all Joy. He is my faithful Lover and I am His bride. How beautiful.
He has provided the Blessing of wonderful children and grandchildren, friends that would walk through fire with me, strength to sustain me, solace to comfort me, and as I look out the window and see a HUGE beautiful hawk 30 feet from me--a reminder of a beautiful world to live in.
I am thankful for how He has chosen to use me this year and blessed by an occasional glimpse of the blessing He has poured out through me. I pray for Him to continue to nudge me---maybe even hit me over the head when necessary---just use me. My prayer is for Him to change me---and to remind me of my part in that act of change.
Life is still not easy----but He is ever present and loves me FAR BEYOND REASON! Another year closing and fewer years spread before me than those behind me---I am joyful for the Blessing of His Faithful and Sustaining Love.
JOYFUL NEW YEAR---In all things and in all circumstances, I will count it all joy.