I have spent a few hours researching and finally booking all the flights surrounding Baby Dos's arrival and future travel needs. After a marathon of booking flights last night, I might be qualified to be your "Friendly Travel Agent"
Here is how it goes. BC & I fly together for the arrival of DOS. BC flies home the day after his arrival and leaves Momma & Baby in hospital and Henry at home with me. I am told that after a C section, Momma will be in the hospital for about a week. PLENTY of time for me to spoil Mr. H!
The entire Jennings family including Dos will be flying with me to LA then after a couple of weeks. Daddy Jennings only needed a one way flight since he will be driving home the car they left here after his rotation in Fort Worth.
I will then be flying back with Momma and Henry and Dos---(CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY CAMILLE COULDN'T HANDLE THIS ALONE!) and then flying back a day later. Giving myself an entire day to get them settled. WATCH OUT WEGMAN'S---I WILL BE THE CRAZY SOUTHERNER FLYING THROUGH THE AISLES!
So---if you have any complex trip or travel plans you would like help with---JUST GIVE ME A CALL!
Thanks Mom!
I have to go lay down and rest
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