Thursday, September 4, 2008


Please note that I have these pics in the appropriate place!

I am married to Mr. Politico! I suspect that he is going to literally turn red he is so Republican.

He watches ALL of the political commentary of television and is VERY opinionated.

He left home this morning VERY upset with his wife. It seems I need to get mad and tell everyone MY opinion on this presidential race (and it BETTER be the same as his or ELSE). I showed him Louisiana Lagniappe's blog with Palin's picture on it. They set him off about WHY I did not post about the race. He seems to think that there is something wrong with me because I am not as over the top and telling everyone within earshot my opinion.

I am a middle child. In case the psychologist have not explained that to you yet-that means I am the peace maker. I do not like and almost run from controversy. If you state an opinion that I do not agree with, I do not feel the need to convince you of why you are wrong and respect your right to your opinion. I feel like the relationships I have with others are more important than our difference in politics. I realize there are two sides to every story and that our political leanings are based upon our up-bringing and circumstances in life. The wonderful thing about our country is the check and balances you get from a two party system (actually more than two, but two predominate).

There are things that I feel are important enough to share my passion for and will share with others-IN A NONE THREATENING WAY. My relationship with My Lord and Savior is the NUMBER ONE of these. I am very concerned with your eternal life and desire the same relationship that I have for all of you.

In a nutshell, I am sorry that my hubby is upset with me for my lack of passion about his beloved politics. In my own way, I am passionate about what I believe-BUT I do not feel the need to convince anyone else of how correct my opinions are. It makes me sad that I fall short of his expectations, BUT stand by my convictions. The family and friends I have are FAR more important than my politics. THEREFORE, I WILL NOT BE MAKING ANY ARGUMENT TO CONVINCE THEM OF THE ERROR OF THEIR WAYS. Support your candidate, but be open to listening to others and respect the right for them to have an opinion that may differ from you.

The one basic thing we all should believe in is the privilege and blessing we all have to live in our great United States of America!


B-HO said...

YIKES!! Sorry I did not mean to be a home wrecker:)...but I LOVE you and completely agree with your stance and I think thats what makes this great NATION so great!!But its not in my DNA make up to keep my opinions to know I have too much of my mother in me to not SPEAK my mind;) I just was so excited last night I thought I might explode! You know the LORD says "BLESSED are the PEACEMAKERS!!" And you are BLESSED;)

Obsessive Foodie or Food Addict....You Decide said...

Metallica for President!!

Hannah Lee said...

Amen, Sister! I have the same attitude as you. But I must say Gov. Palin rocked the nat. convention last night! She's awesome!

Elisha Leigh said...

Have I told you lately that I love you?!?!
If it makes you feel any better, I've been in the same boat as you! Now, I have a strict "no political discussions at work policy."
It's for my own good... really. :D

Deb said...

Respect for people is the key.... the people who showed me the error of my way were respectful and showed me how to examine my beliefs and carry my beliefs to their logical conclusion...which turned out to be scary ones.

adrian seney said...

I agree with you (and Elisha). It must be in our blood!