Sunday, July 15, 2007


You know what they say about "Good Intentions". Had the weekend all planned out- long run Saturday at 6 and long hike Sunday afternoon and THEN and THEN

I'm not complaining. I am successfully avoiding dragging the waterhose around trying to keep everything living, but I am having to mow twice a week.

Plans for a little longer run tomorrow AM since this weekend was a waste atheletically.

I also missed the HUGE sports event in Lincoln Parish this weekend-

The LAWN MOWER RACES! Now for all of you urban uppity types this might seem a bit of a stretch, but in LA-THIS IS OUR ANSWER TO NASCAR! I had good intentions to go, but a hamburger cookout with The Boersma Clan was a priority. Dr. Dale & Mrs. Helen will be honored to know that they take precedence over this exciting sporting event. I am not sure of the necessity of helmets, since you obviously must have some kind of brain damage to participate in this event. HOPEFULLY they did remove all blades before commencing off the starting line. It appears to me in the picture above that the guy on the left on the BABY BLUE mower is at a distinct disadvantage since his mower has much more of a load to carry around. The theory should be just like running-loose a few pounds and run faster. That theory doesn't seem to work with me-but that could have something to do with staying in my comfort zone ALL OF THE TIME.

One more week and off to Canada. I am not sure if Canada is ready-but ready or not-we Ruston girls are on our way.


the Jennings secede from the South said...

i can't believe we missed the lawn mower races!

Moto Mama said...

The races were a great big LAUGH! This was my first to go to. Sneaked over to the "pit" to check em out up close. If you go watch the races, don't sit on the front row; dirt flies when they go by!