Monday, July 30, 2007
Post Script
I look forward to future adventures and will recap this week after returning home.
Trail's End
Six Days-8 Hikes-57 miles
Worship at the Mountain Top

Top of Parker's Ridge-Glacier Below
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Alpine Wildflower Meadow

Friday, July 27, 2007

Thursday, July 26, 2007
Plain of 6 Glaciers & Beehive

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
At the summit!
Monday, July 23, 2007
A Treking We Wil Go!

Saturday, July 21, 2007
Long Run Day

Thursday, July 19, 2007

This is an example of my toe-except in the middle is a white blister and it is surrounded by bruising. LOVELY!
We went to the park this AM and hiked around 5. HOT HOT HOT. When I looked at the weather in Banff and the humidity was 30%, I jumped for joy. Who cares about black toes, we will be in runner and hiker paradise!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Inpatience Example That WERE In Bed
Bed Following Midnight Deer Raid-NO INPATIENCE
My laugh for the day came from Sheila. Here is the picture that she emailed me:

Monday, July 16, 2007
Missed having lots of our buds, but hastily put together after Sonja's return from BR and grands.
This AM we ran 6 and walked another 2 since we were out of action all weekend. It was like running in a movie. Foggy and sultry with no sound but the pound of feet upon alsphalt and concrete and the gasping for air. Would make a great soundtrack for any horror flick. Missed Miss Mona and the traveling dialogue which is very entertaining and most distracting. For some reason I always have a hard time on Mondays. As the oldie, but goodie says, "Rainy Days & Mondays Always Get Me Down."
Sunday, July 15, 2007

One more week and off to Canada. I am not sure if Canada is ready-but ready or not-we Ruston girls are on our way.
Friday, July 13, 2007
My Idea Of a Workout on My Day Off!
Tomorrow is long run day, but in the words of a famous American,
"I'll Think About That Tomorrow"
My Motto for the day is
Carpe Diem!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
How Fast Can You Peddle??????

Needless to say, after a very fast return to the car-we ended today's workout. That is probably a good thing since tomorrow brings another early day and FUN RUN!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
What Was I Thinking?????
Now this was a day, a day to remind me of just how old I really am.
When you roll over and punch that alarm at 5:10 and realize you are still tired-IT IS NOT A GOOD SIGN! I rolled out anyway, since I was meeting one of my MAIN running buddies who was MIA yesterday. OK-I should have known better-I never run 2 days in a row. Three times a week has become my mantra with some walking in between. For some unknown reason, I decided that I would run my usual Monday and then run again on Tuesday so I could run with Miss Mona. NOT A GOOD IDEA!!!
When I walked outside and the sauna hit me, I knew I was in trouble! The first half of the run was not too bad-but then I went downhill. Lots of walking-especially if the ground was tilted up. Saw lots of other runners toward the end and used that excuse to stop and chat.
I PRAYED ALL AFTERNOON for rain, so I could rest my weary legs-but that didn't happen. So out the door I go again at 6:15 to the park for a walk. You haven't truly been in a sauna until you walk in the park in 90 degree heat with 90 percent humidity. The trees are lovely and provide wonderful shade-BUT-they also hold in the heat and humidity. It swiftly became a sweatfest. The good thing was having 4 buddies along to laugh and talk with. We made about 4 miles. MY LEGS WERE SCREAMING, "HEY STUPID, we've already done our thing today. ARE YOU CRAZY!"
We did talk about our Canada trip some. We discussed bathrooms on our hikes. It turns out that the bathroom will be the nearest bush that you can squat behind. NOW THIS IS NOT AN ATTRACTIVE THOUGHT! I will be limiting the amount of water I drink and for sure the amount of fiber and roughage I consume. Sonja also told us that we carry the TP with us and must haul it out. OK-I'm not EVEN going to think about that one! We have all made a pact to not even carry our running shoes with us, for fear that Sandra will talk us into not only hiking all day, but also getting up and running beforehand.
I did wear my new hiking shoes and try them out. After YEARS of wearing the lightest running shoes I could find, can I tell you how heavy those suckers feel? Good support and lots of cushioning though and no blisters after 4 miles. THIS IS A VERY GOOD THING!
Monday, July 9, 2007
Blogging 101

This blog will capture the fun and adventures of trying to stay in reasonably good shape while swiftly approaching another decade milestone. Don't count me gone yet---but at 58 1/2 (as my sweet spouse reminds me for insurance purposes 59) this old body is not as easy to whip into shape as it once was.
Our running group is currently getting ready for a hiking trip to the Canadian Rockies in two weeks. I wouldn't want to get too panicky-afterall I do have 2 whole weeks to finish getting this sorry bag of bones ready for 6 separate hikes in upper altitudes . No need to panick!
We do have the highest point in Louisiana easily within our driving reach to train on, if we so choose. Somehow the entire 200 ft elevation above sea level, just doesn't seem to be the challenge we might need.
We ran this AM in the mist with temps in the upper 70's at 5:30 for a 5 mile loop. The loop into town was almost all hills, but then we came back on flatter terrain. Can I tell you how much fun it is to run in the outdoors that feel like an all encompassing suana? The air is so heavy that you cannot suck enough into your lungs. The true rain didn't come to the last half a mile, but it was a welcome relief. The only good thing about this morning is that I didn't have to get up until 5:10. I HATE for that clock to have a 4 in the front on those earlier mornings.
Our token male, Larry, had trouble getting in enough air with his asthma and heart problems. He just will not listen to his elder and start out slower. By the time that we got to the three mile mark, he was pretty much shot.
My main running buddies were MIA today, so I am running at the back of the pack-BY MYSELF-thinking why am I doing this??????? THE BEST THING I CAN SAY ABOUT TODAY'S RUN IS THAT IT IS OVER!